



January 2013

ERIC Provides PDF Request Form; List of Restored User Requests‏

In late summer, ERIC announced that most full-text PDFs in the ERIC collect= ion had been temporarily restricted due to privacy issues found in some of = these materials. A team is in place to review the affected full text and re= store cleared PDFs to the online collection.
To help users gain access to the full text they need, ERIC has added a form=  to the website at that can be used to request the return of a = specific PDF to the online collection.
To request a PDF, access the PDF request form<
=3D873&j=3D278948628&t=3Dh> online and enter the ERIC Number of the documen= t (e.g., ED998998) and your email address; then click Submit. Your request = will be forwarded for priority processing so the full text can be checked f= or sensitive information. Once cleared, the document will be made accessibl= e online. Given the volume of requests, this process can require several we= eks.
The request form can be accessed from a link in the alert area of the ERIC = Home page, from the web page banner alert present on most pages of the ERIC=  website, or from the Contact Us area of the site.
What Full Text is Available?
As of December 1, 2012, more than 27,000 full-text materials have been retu= rned online. User-requested PDFs are being restored on a weekly basis. Curr= ently available materials include:
  *   Peer-reviewed documents and journal articles for which ERIC has permi=
ssion to display full text.
  *   Documents developed by the Peace Corps and ERIC.
  *   Cleared documents that have been requested by the ERIC user community=
If you are interested in knowing if the PDF you requested has been returned=  online, see the list of restored user-requested PDFs< t/y.z?
Fnews%2FreleasedPDFs.xls&e=3D873&j=3D278948628&t=3Dh>. This list only cover= s PDFs that have been requested by users; it does not include the peer-revi= ewed materials, and documents from the Peace Corps and ERIC, that are avail= able for download.
New Terms Added to the ERIC Thesaurus
The latest update to the Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors introduces 18 new se= archable terms (Descriptors), including career readiness, progress monitori= ng, and state policy. The update also adds synonyms (i.e., non-searchable t=
erms) that guide users to the appropriate search term(s). For more informat= ion about current and previous changes to the Thesaurus, go to Maintaining = the ERIC Thesaurus<
73&j=3D278948628&t=3Dh> on the ERIC website.
Four New Topics Added to Collection Highlights Visitors to ERIC=92s Collection Highlights<
%2Fcollectionhighlights.html&e=3D873&j=3D278948628&t=3Dh> area can review t= he latest literature in 24 topics, including four recently added to the web=
site: Assessment / Evaluation, Standardized Testing / Tests, E-learning, an= d No Child Left Behind. Click the RSS icon ([RSS Icon]) to view the most re= cently indexed titles and obtain the feed address for the reader of your ch= oice.  Alternatively, selecting the Search icon ([
clients/25070/images/btn_search_small_ng2.gif]) will retrieve all related r= ecords.

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