



January 2013

2012-2013 Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards

Call for Nominations for the 2012/2013 Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) Awards which is being sent to Deans and Principals, Associate Deans, Department Heads and Directors on behalf of Dr. Anna Kindler, Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President Academic.  Specific attention should be given to Appendix III reflecting the changes to the award allocation process.

Deadlines for Nominations:

a) Individual Nominations to EDCP Awards Committee by February 20

b) Individual Nominations from EDCP Awards Committee to EDCP Head by March 4th

c) Departmental Nominations from EDCP  Head to Dean’s Office (OGPR) by March 11


EDCP Awards Committee (Karen Meyer, Kit Grauer, and Tony Clarke)

Re : The 2012/2013 Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Teaching Awards

In recognition of the valuable role that teaching assistants play in our programs, the University annually awards teaching prizes to UBC Teaching Assistants, with two of these awards being allocated to the Faculty of Education.  The prize includes both a certificate and $1,000.00.  At the same time, in recognition of the contribution to our Faculty so many outstanding Teaching Assistants, the Faculty of Education annually awards an additional teaching prize to supplement those awarded at the University-level – for a total of three awards.


Nominations are now being accepted for the 2012-2013  Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Teaching Awards. We encourage nominations from faculty supervisors (professors, senior laboratory instructors) of the Graduate TA, from colleagues working closely with the nominee, and from the students who attended the nominee’s class or laboratory.  Grad TAs can also self-nominate for the award.  The award(s) are open to any Graduate Teaching Assistant who acts or has acted in this position during the current, and/or the preceding academic year (2012/2013, 2011/2012).

Please visit the VP Academic & Provost web site for information on eligibility, procedures, supporting documentation and criteria.  The full program description and call for nominations are available at:  Applicants to the University-level award will automatically be considered for the Faculty of Education prize, in line with the same criteria.

·         Please note: The call for nominations on the VP Academic & Provost web site describes two different sets of support documentation for the dossier – “Required” and “Suggested.”  In order that all Education nominations are adjudicated equitably at the Faculty level, Education dossiers must contain only the “Required” support materials.  Any of the “Suggested” support materials will be removed prior to the adjudication.

Note that the “required” documentation for the 2012-2013 Killam Graduate TA Teaching Award competition includes “formal feedback from students, colleagues, supervisors.”  To help fulfill this requirement, nominees should include in their dossiers student evaluation data, also known as SCET scores.

Applicants should be cautious about directly soliciting comments from students, especially those currently enrolled in courses.  Alternatives for documenting student feedback are to reproduce comments from SCET documents, copies of unsolicited emails from students, or other existing indications from students related to the quality or impact of your teaching.

All submitted documents should be single-sided, and in the following order:

1)      one-page personal statement, outlining why he or she is an excellent candidate for the award, keeping in mind the “Effective Teaching Criteria” outlined in the Call for Nominations

2)      summary of recent teaching responsibilities, including number of students, type of teaching undertaken, hours per week in the classroom, average time spent constructively in consultation with students and with supervisors as it relates to Teaching Assistantship duties. If applicable, include activities from the preceding year;

3)      a statement of the candidate’s values and assumptions about teaching and learning in higher education (less than one page in length);

4)      any formal feedback from students, colleagues and/or supervisors (in the form of student evaluations, letters, or related material) which addresses the stated criteria for this award;

5)      a demonstration of the graduate student’s contributions to teaching over time (for example, as teaching assistants, markers, and candidates able to teach a course on their own).


Please Note:

All completed nomination packages are due in the OGPR for Faculty adjudication by 4:00pm, March 11, 2013.

Within the Faculty of Education we have an adjudication committee that is struck by OGPR, therefore departments should not adjudicate/rank nominations, rather all nominations received by departments should be submitted to OGPR.

For more information please contact the Office of Graduate Programs and Research at 604-822-5512/ email:

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