



October 2013


Sessional and Lecturer Faculty Teaching Prize


The Faculty of Education has a long-standing commitment to excellence in teaching. In recognition of the significant contribution that Sessional and Lecturer faculty members make to our programs, the Faculty of Education offers a Sessional and Lecturer Faculty Teaching Prize to outstanding educators. The prize includes both a plaque and $1000.

1. Eligibility

The award is open to any individual holding a 50% or more appointment as a Sessional Lecturer or Adjunct Teaching Professor (seconded teacher) during the current academic year. While previous award winners are not eligible, previous nominees are encouraged to reapply. These prizes are based on teaching broadly defined over time and not solely on current classroom teaching. Consideration should be given to:

• Teaching performance in formal settings such as lectures (large and small), tutorials, laboratories, practica and clinical placements;

• Teaching performance in informal settings such as practicum supervision, office consultation, counseling;

• Developing innovative curricula, course content and teaching methodology;

• Being committed to systematically inquiring into their own practices; and

• Having close connections with schools or other educational institutions beyond UBC.

2. Nomination Process: Department/School Deadline

• One letter of nomination indicating the case for awarding a teaching prize to the nominee should be sent to the Department Head/Director. The letter should address the five criteria listed under eligibility. Faculty and students wishing to nominate a faculty member are encouraged to start early and consult with their Department Head/Director as the nomination process proceeds.

• Up to six support letters may be attached to the nomination letter. These letters should represent the diversity of the person’s teaching responsibilities and be limited to 1-2 pages each.

• The nominee should include a one page teaching philosophy statement.

• The nominee should provide a CV.

• The above constitutes the nomination package that must reach the Department Head/Director by January 10, 2014.

EDCP courses: Dr. Peter Grimmett (

EDST courses: Dr. Pam Ratner (

EPSE courses: Dr. Bill Borgen (

LLED courses: Dr. Lee Gunderson (

HKIN courses: Dr. Robert Sparks (

For other acronyms, please ask the instructor for their department home.

3. Nomination Process: Faculty Deadline

• Departments will follow their own internal review processes and choose one nomination to forward the Faculty level committee.

• Departments will refine the nomination package so it adheres to the number and length of letters, length of teaching philosophy, etc.

• The Department Head/Director will submit the nomination package along with a cover letter that includes a longitudinal review of the nominees teaching performance (using SCETS and course evaluation information) and any other pertinent information to the Chair of the Killam Faculty Teaching Prize Committee, Dr. Rita Irwin, Associate Dean, Teacher Education Office by February 28, 2014.

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