Group Project Proposal: “EduConnect” – Technical Support Community for Educators Around the World
Imagine this scenario: You’re teaching a new project this semester and integrating coding into your middle school history class for the first time. Students in your class are making interactive timelines for various ancient civilizations in Scratch. While generally you troubleshoot along with your students, you’ve run into a problem you just can’t solve on YouTube, and you’d appreciate some understanding on why what you’re doing isn’t working. Unfortunately, you work in a remote school and don’t have knowledgeable co-workers to come to for help. Instead, you log into your EduConnect account, choose ‘I need assistance’, then select ‘Scratch’ from a dropdown list, and hit the ‘Find me help!’ button. Within minutes you’re connected with another educator around the world, who specified their willingness to assist others with coding related troubleshooting. A few minutes of screen sharing later, and your problem is solved!
Sometimes, we just need another human to check in with.
Project Description
EduConnect is a web-based service connecting educators offering or seeking on-demand technical support with educational programs via video and screen sharing, or text chat support. The service is simple to use, free of cost, and is accessed via the internet using a web interface or an app on mobile devices. It seeks to connect educators around the world looking to either give or receive technical support. Educators looking to expand their technical knowledge can request assistance and be paired with educators or mentors who are more experienced using a matchmaking AI system.
Uses and Users
This service is for educational professionals who provide educational services either at a school, academy, or other educational facility. This includes, but not limited to, classroom teachers, professors, tutors, aids, and educational trainers. Educators create an account and indicate what programs they feel competent providing assistance to other educators, or indicate the area they are requesting support for. Each user’s profile includes their areas of technical expertise in specific software, their level of education, areas that they feel comfortable providing support with, languages spoken, geographic location, hours they are available, and options for setting quiet hours. Educators can add certifications they possess such as those offered by Microsoft, Apple, or Google, and can become ambassadors for specific programs. Educators’ profiles are configured upon sign up and updated at any time as their needs and knowledge change. Educators can request help anytime. Educators who are offering support in the requested area will receive a notification via the web page, the app, or an email notification, then can log in to connect with the person needing assistance.
Users choose categories of programs, including LMS (Edsby, Canvas), productivity suites (Google Suite, Microsoft, Apple, etc), design (Adobe, GIMP, etc), video conferencing/communication tools (Zoom, Teams, etc), programming/coding (Scratch, HTML, Java, etc), cloud computing, and operating systems. This list can expand as more educators join to offer or ask for support in other other areas. We can improve usability by having an AI analysis of signup data to help direct the areas of support needed. Machine learning will help to inform future development when educators request support in other areas not yet identified.
Project Rationale
The app “Be My Eyes” was our inspiration for this project, connecting people to provide on-demand assistance. EduConnect will be a useful tool to many educators for several reasons. Educators connect with real humans with backgrounds in education who share similar use cases and educational language. Educators may be more likely to incorporate technologies if they know a community of support is available. Educators who are in remote or rural locations will be able to access timely, remote help without having to travel or pay for expensive professional development. Traditional in school tech support is generally staffed by IT professionals who have in-depth technology backgrounds focused on networking and hardware. This can lead to significant insider outsider contrasts between the tech support and the user (Woolgar, 1990, p. 71), and a blindspot when it comes to how various applications, programs and devices are being used by teachers. Conventional technical support can be time-delayed or unhelpful and often from people who most likely do not have experience as an educator. Using teachers who have lived experiences using these applications provides relevant support, harnessing the power of what Pierre Lévy calls “collective intelligence”. We cannot all know everything, but between all educators we have significant, and highly relevant pools of resource and skill to share (Jenkins, 2006, p. 4).
Assessing Usability
The usability of EduConnect is critical as there are two main zones: for those seeking and those providing tech support. Therefore, it is essential that the users of the app can navigate these two uses with ease. This makes it especially important that the service is designed with Woolgar’s (1990) ideas on configuring the user, as well as utilizing Issa and Isaias’s (2015) user-centred approach on usability through performance and preference measures in mind.
Drawing up Woolgar’s (1990) view of usability, our digital tool will rely on the need of configuring the user to learn how to use various components of the tool. Clear and concise instructions are provided to users through an onboarding tutorial in which users go through the process of making a first call, inspired by Gee’s concepts of fish tanks, the controlled, safe space where learners can explore and learn without being overwhelmed by too many options or challenges at once (2005, p. 12). Other support can include video tutorials, as well as peripheral instructions that users access upon signing up for the service.
This data will be collected through user surveys collected at the end of a call. Additional usability data will be collected when users sign-up. As we identify common areas of technology support that need addressing through user sign-up, additional areas of focus can be added to the service.
Usability Specifications
Issa and Isaias (2015) identify that usability specification defines “the measure of success of a computer system of a website and serves as an indicator about whether or not the development of the website is on the right track” (p. 33). Issa & Isaias identify two components of human and computer interaction. This includes the relationship and interactions between human and computer, with the goal of seamless input/output between the two. The EduConnect service will utilize both performance measures and preference measures throughout development. EduConnect will utilize the usability criteria as outlined by Issa and Isaias (2015, p. 33). Information regarding learnability, flexibility, robustness, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfaction will be collected from end-users to assist us as a project development team identify areas within the service that need to be addressed.
Performance Measures
A selection of beta users within the program will allow for testing of EduConnect’s usability. This could include educational professionals who are asked to complete specific tasks such as initiating a help session. It would be valuable to analyze the guidance required within the specific group of users. In addition, specific usability metrics such as tracking how much time a task takes to troubleshoot, as well as users rating the troubleshooting experience will help identify specific user-centered improvements on the application.
Preference Measures
The utilization of focus groups will aid in determining EduConnect’s usability. This will allow for the analysis of open-ended questions, and seek feedback on key principles such as learnability, robustness, efficiency, memorability and satisfaction within the service. This will be essential throughout the development of EduConnect. Ongoing user surveys will also be collected throughout development and release. At the end of each help session, users will be prompted to give a rating on the quality of their call and if they are satisfied with the help they received. The feedback received from this information will be used for future updates and enhancements to the EduConnect software.
Educational Usability
While utilizing EduConnect in an educational setting our goal involves streamlining processes for educational professionals to increase efficiency. It is imperative that the end-user stays at the forefront within our design process. Issa and Isaias (2015) emphasize importance on system design being user-centred. Therefore, it is critical EduConnect considers a variety of learning theories. We believe that EduConnect has a strong connection to both connectivism, and social learning theory. Furthermore, within educational settings we need to be mindful of user data and privacy. Although EduConnect is primarily licensed for educational professionals, student data and information could be shared within our service. It is crucial that EduConnect is compliant with various student data privacy agreements in various locations in the world.
EduConnect relies on the connectivism theoretical framework for learning. Connectivism relies on the connection with the digital world to make choices about our learning. This is through “connecting specialized information sets, and the connections that enable us to learn more are more important than our current state of knowing” (Siemens, 2005, p. 5). Furthermore, connectivism relies on the connection of a series of nodes or information sources (Bates, 2019). Through EduConnect our users are interconnected with other users. This results in information flows through diverse inter-connected networks allowing users to grow and develop in connected ways.
Social Learning Theory
Social learning theory coined by Bandura includes “observing, modeling, and imitating the behaviours, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others” (McLeod, 2023). EduConnect relies heavily on the factors of social learning theory. These include attention, retention, motor reproduction, and motivation (Bandura & Walters, 1963 as cited in McLeod, 2023). The design of EduConnect takes into consideration how to enhance all these crucial factors of social learning theory.
Let’s go back to our initial scenario: Over the past year, you’ve appreciated knowing that you always have access to a knowledgeable other, and have reached out to troubleshoot multiple issues. The process was so quick and helpful, that you offer to provide your assistance for educators working in Canva School, and every now and then you get a notification during the times you have stated availability from another educator who needs some guidance. Sometimes it’s just people who need help sharing. Other times it’s a more advanced request. Most importantly you know that when you need help there’s always another educator willing to help!
Ultimately, this is our vision for EduConnect. A collectivist platform that harnesses the power of our shared intelligence, creating a community of mentorship, with intuitive design that guides users towards seamless collaboration and knowledge sharing. In the attached appendix you will find several wireframes of our interface as a sneak peak for what is to come next.