PICRAT Model for Teaching with Technology

PICRAT Model for Effective Technology Integration in Teaching

While discussing the viability of a one-to-one device program in classrooms, a classmate shared a video that was helpful for effective technology integration in the classroom.

This video gives a brief overview of the PICRAT model for effective technology integration. Building off of the RAT model created by Hughes, Thomas, & Scharber (2006), PICRAT guides teachers in asking two fundamental questions related to technology and teaching:

1. How is using the technology influencing my practice?

2. What are my students doing in or through the technology?

By answering these questions, teachers can consider more effective ways of using technology to support their students’ learning.

Students’ Relationship to Technology

Passive – Students are relatively inactive receivers of information.

Interactive – Students receive information and have some means of responding to it. Through manipulation of information, they can begin to scaffold the information into existing knowledge.

Creative – Students are creating learning products that represent a significant synthesis of new information.

Teacher’s Use of Technology

Replaces – The lesson technology simply serves as a layer of convenience or cosmetic improvement, but does not fundamentally change the nature of the lesson.

Amplifies – Technology adds elements to the lesson not easily achieved with traditional classroom methods.

Transforms – In the absence of the technology, the lesson would be impossible to present to students. It is intimately integrated into the experience of the lesson.


Royce Kimmons. (2016, April 26). PICRAT for Effective Technology Integration in Teaching [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/bfvuG620Bto

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