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Mental Health Supports for UBC Students

Mental Health Supports for UBC Students

I recently completed a UBC Student Mental Health survey that was created by Dr. Daniel Vigo in the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine at UBC.

The goal of the survey is to help better understand the challenges UBC students are facing, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. UBC is hoping to build a better mental health system for students. The data that’s being collected will help guide the direction of designing online tools to improve services to students.

Emotional wellbeing is important for all people, including those who are on their post-secondary educational journey.


There are a number of supports available for students who are seeking mental health supports.

BC Mental Health Support Line: 310-6789 (available 24/7: do not add 604, 778 or 250 before the number)

Crisis Centre BC

If you or someone you know is feeling hopeless or thinking about suicide, call or chat online with a crisis responder: 1-800-784-2433 (1-800-SUICIDE) 24hs; or (noon to 1 am)

First Nations and Inuit Helpline: 1-855-242-3310 (available 24/7)


Provides counselling and community referral services to students registered at B.C. post-secondary institutions. Support is available 24/7 via app, phone and web. Call 604-642-5212 or visit

Mindhealth BC

Provides online assessment and recommendations regarding the most appropriate level of support. Visit

Support for Managing Stress

If you are experiencing stress for any reason or if responding to the survey questions has added to your stress, please consider the information and resources available for UBC students on the following site (some of which are also highlighted in the list below):

UBC Student Health Services, your family physician, or a local medical clinic

A medical professional should be the first step for people requiring medication. To book an initial mental health appointment with UBC Student Health Services call 604-822-7011. Hours can be found at:

UBC Counselling Services

Provides assessment, wellness planning and referral to the most appropriate level of support as well as drop-in counselling. Call 604-822-3811 to book a phone or video appointment. Hours can be found at:

UBC Student Assistance Program (SAP)

Provides personal counselling and life coaching, free for UBC students. Services are provided after hours and weekends, in multiple languages, online, on the app, or by phone. Call free 1-833-590-1328 in North America. Call collect 1-604-757-9734 outside North America. Log in to the Aspiria website by using UBCV for both the student code and password.

Vancouver Coastal Regional Distress Line: 604-872-3311 (available 24/7)

Indigenous Resources for Canadians

Indigenous Resources for Canadians

Here is a list of resources that may be helpful on your truth and reconciliation journey. This list will be updated regularly with new resources.