Edward Leung

2.1 Tar Heel State

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Mum always said that I’d be able to find my way home. I don’t really know what convinced her of such a thing, maybe it was simply a mother’s intuition, or maybe just shallow words used to convince herself that I would somehow make it back in one piece. Probably a bit of both. Of course, as mothers always are, she was right. The farm looked exactly the same as the day I had left. “Tobacco isn’t as big of a crop as it used to be when I was…read more


1:3 Once a story is told.

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I have a great story to tell you. As the pale blue object appeared in view, everyone on the bridge knew that they had finally found it. Just like the ancient scripts had said, it was the third planet from an aging star, in a system of eight others. After a forgotten number of generations, humankind has finally returned home. No one remembers why the species left. It was so long ago that the crew only had vague guesses at best. The atmosphere was clean and stable, the biosphere was…read more


1:2 Teller or Tale?

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While we’ve established that the usage of online publications changes the dynamics of how stories are told by blurring the lines between the very formal act of publishing and the very informal act of orality, I want to push the topic further by looking at whether this phenomenon also blurs the lines of the teller and the tale. After all, in the age where almost everything is posted and everything can become a story, are we seeing the real person behind all the photos and posts, or just a tale…read more


1:1 Introduction

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Hello everyone. my name is Edward, and I am a 4th year Poli Sci major with a minor in Canadian Studies. My specialization is in #cdnpoli, with a particular passion for political campaigns and elections. I feel that having a broad understanding of “Canada” as a whole, in a multi-disciplinary fashion, allows for us  to have more pragmatic conversations as a nation, where view points are both respected and challenged. And I wouldn’t be a very good politico if I don’t do as I preach. This is why I chose…read more

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