1:1 Introduction

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Hello everyone. my name is Edward, and I am a 4th year Poli Sci major with a minor in Canadian Studies. My specialization is in #cdnpoli, with a particular passion for political campaigns and elections. I feel that having a broad understanding of “Canada” as a whole, in a multi-disciplinary fashion, allows for us  to have more pragmatic conversations as a nation, where view points are both respected and challenged. And I wouldn’t be a very good politico if I don’t do as I preach. This is why I chose to take this ENGL seminar, even if it is a bit out of my usual comfort zone.

While the course content on its own is already quite striking,  I was personally very intrigued by the setup of the course as well. Communicating via a Facebook group, blogging assignments, evaluating participation though comments and links; these are all educational techniques that I have yet to see in my entire academic career, and I’m glad I have the chance to experience it before it comes to an end.

In general, as commentary towards the digital age, the amount of information at our disposal, paired with an unprecedented ability for anyone to spread that information to a larger and more diverse audience than ever before, has seen tremendous growth in just a few short years. We have yet to scratch even the surface of its implications on our society, and naturally, on the way we communicate as individuals. Perhaps as we let this semi-social experiment play out for the rest of the semester, we can start to see patterns in how each of us behave and adopt to this departure from our usual setup; who posts and comments the most, who are the night owls and early risers, etc. And of course, from reading a couple of the already published posts, we have a very diverse group of peers of various backgrounds and I look forward to seeing what new ideas will be presented in our upcoming discussions.

Definitely some intriguing weeks ahead.



Works Cited:

Couts, Andrew, “Study confirms social media’s revolutionary role in Arab Spring”, Digital Trends, 13 Sept 2011, 08 Jan 2014 <http://www.digitaltrends.com/social-media/study-confirms-social-medias-revolutionary-role-in-arab-spring/>

Madrigal, Alexis C. 2013: The Year ‘the Stream’ Crested, The Atlantic, 12 Dec 2013, 08 Jan 2014 <http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2013/12/2013-the-year-the-stream-crested/282202/>

ThreeHundredEight website, 08 Jan 2014 <http://www.threehundredeight.com/>

Twitter website “#cdnpoli” search results, 08 Jan 2014 <https://twitter.com/search?q=%23cdnpoli>