Monthly Archives: June 2017

Provincial Government Engagement Meetings

Members of the Buildings + Community and Policy + Finance streams traveled to Vancouver to present project findings and receive feedback from both the Climate Action Secretariat and the Ministry of Energy and Mines. Researchers and government staff discussed collaboration opportunities to ensure the relevance of research activities to policy and practice in BC. Commitments were made to maintain regular communications, and to explore opportunities for joint case studies in BC municipalities.

Attendees: Ronald Kellett, Christina Bollo, Rose Murphy, Jon Salter

Simulation in Architecture and Urban Design Conference

Rob Woodbury presented a keynote address, and Ju Chan Kim and Jon Salter each presented short papers at the 2017 Simulation in Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD) Conference in Toronto (May 22-24). Rob’s Keynote was entitled “what might happen when simulation is free?”. Ju Chan’s paper was entitled “relationships between variables and energy consumption in different building types”, and Jon’s paper was entitled “modeling energy for urban form archetypes”.

SimAUD 2017 Program

PICS Annual Forum

The Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions is holding its annual forum in Vancouver on June 15-16. This is an opportunity for PICS researchers and affiliates to meet and discuss their research. This year the forum is focusing on the new Strategic Direction developed by Director Sybil Seitzinger, PICS staff, the PICS Advisory Board and the PICS Strategic Task Force.