Clever, Creative, or Cunning? This Christmas present could be all of the above.

With the recent news clips of airport employees patting down every inch of a flyer’s body, it seems as if the “privacy bubble” we all used to talk about in elementary school has been obliterated. Issues of molestation are also of concern over intimate pat-downs of young children.

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Quickly reacting to the huge public outcry and uproar over invading privacy, Timmovations’ dynamic duo Tim Geoghegan and Matthew Ryan came up with an ingenious current-affairs-awareness-inducing-while-trendy business. 4th Amendment Wear is a collection of articles of clothing that feature the 4th Amendment in metallic-based ink, which will show up on the TSA (Transportation Security Administration of the U.S.A)’s new scanners.

Since 9/11, security techniquess have become more and more sophisticated, but also more and more intrusive. American citizens have been mostly unresponsive to the invasion of privacy until the TSA introduced state-of-the-art body scanners that “would have caught the underwear bomber”. Apart from pilots, nobody is exempt from these procedures (a scan and/or a pat-down), and flight attendants are still negotiating against this double standard between the two professions.

I think Timmovations have come up with a brilliant idea, they reacted swiftly to target growing abhorrence of the public and their entrepreneurial thinking is outstanding. As of right now, the lady intimate styles are sold out, so if you’re planning on flying to the U.S. over the break or want to buy a witty Christmas present for your American relative, put your pre-order in now!