What do restaurants really sell? (cont’d…)

Ambiance, check!

Taste and Presentation, check!

Great service, check!

For a restaurant to be successful, one may think that food is the only important factor. However, from my experience at dinner tonight, I don’t believe that to be true any longer. I now am a firm believer that customer service always comes first. No matter how good the food is, one will not remain at or return to a restaurant where one has experienced poor service.

Other things that a restaurant can be “rated” upon are ambiance, presentation, and even value (as Prof. Gateman says unabashedly, “You want to get more bang for your buck”). All of these elements are instrumental to a restaurant’s financial success.

Dear restaurant-that-shall-remain-unnamed, there won’t be a next time if you aren’t able to maintain service at a time of chaos – it’s key to an enjoyable experience for a consumer. And hey, you should be extra grateful that people are still dining out after the HST.
