- Abdullah Gharaibeh, Elizeu Santos-Neto, Lauro Beltrão Costa, Matei Ripeanu. The Energy Case for Graph Processing on Hybrid CPU and GPU Systems. In the proceedings of the Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures & Algorithms (IA3) in conjunction with SC13, Denver, Colorado USA, November, 2013.
- Abdullah Gharaibeh, Lauro Beltrão Costa, Elizeu Santos-Neto, Matei Ripeanu. On Graphs, GPUs, and Blind Dating: A Workload to Processor Matchmaking Quest. In the Proceedings of the IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Systems (IPDPS), Boston, MA, May 2013 (acceptance rate: 21%).
- Elizeu Santos-Neto, David Condon, Nazareno Andrade, Adriana Iamnitchi, Matei Ripeanu. Reuse, Temporal Dynamics, Interest Sharing, and Collaboration in Social Tagging Systems. Technical Report. January 2013.
- Abdullah Gharaibeh, Lauro Beltrão Costa, Elizeu Santos-Neto, Matei Ripeanu. A Yoke of Oxen and a Thousand Chickens for Heavy Lifting Graph Processing. In the Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT 2012). Minneapolis, MN, USA. September 2012.
- Elizeu Santos-Neto. Characterizing and Harnessing Peer-Production of Information in Social Tagging Systems. In the Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining – Doctoral Consortium (WSDM 2012 Doctoral Consortium), Seattle, WA, USA, February 2012.
- Dinan Gunawardena, Thomas Karagiannis, Alexandre Proutiere, Elizeu Santos-Neto, Milan Vojnovic. Scoop: Decentralized and Opportunistic Multicasting of Information Streams. In the Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM Mobicom), Las Vegas, NV, USA, September 2011. (acceptance rate 13%) [DOI] [Tech Report]
- Adriana Iamnitchi, Matei Ripeanu, Elizeu Santos-Neto, Ian Foster. The Small World of File Sharing. In the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 22 (7), pp. 1120 – 1134, October, 2010.
- Elizeu Santos-Neto, Flavio Figueiredo, Jussara Almeida, Miranda Mowbray, Marcos Gonçalves, Matei Ripeanu. Assessing the Value of Contributions in Tagging Systems. In the Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom’2010), Minneapolis, MN, August 2010. (acceptance rate 15%) [pdf]
- Elizeu Santos-Neto, David Condon, Nazareno Adrade, Adriana Iamnitchi, Matei Ripeanu. Individual and Social Behavior in Tagging Systems. In the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Torino, Italy, June 2009. [doi] [pdf]
- Samer Al-Kiswany, Abdullah Gharaibeh, Elizeu Santos-Neto, Matei Ripeanu. On GPU’s Viability as a Middleware Accelerator. Cluster Computing Journal, vol. 12(2), pp.123-140, June 2009.
- Nazareno Andrade, Elizeu Santos-Neto, Francisco Brasileiro and Matei Ripeanu. Resource Demand and Supply in BitTorrent Content Sharing Communities. Computer Networks, vol. 53(4), March 2009.
- Nazareno Andrade, Elizeu Santos-Neto, Francisco Brasileiro. Scalable Resource Annotation in Peer-to-Peer Grids. In the 8th International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P 2008). Aachen, Germany, September 2008. (acceptance rate 18%)
- Elizeu Santos-Neto, Samer Al-Kiswany, Nazareno Andrade, Sathish Gopalakrishnan, Matei Ripeanu. Enabling Cross-Layer Optimizations in Storage Systems with Custom Metadata. In the ACM/IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC 2008) – HotTopics. Boston, MA, USA, June 2008.
- Samer Al-Kiswany, Abdullah Gharaibeh, Elizeu Santos-Neto, George Yuan, Matei Ripeanu. StoreGPU: Exploiting Graphics Processing Units to Accelerate Distributed Storage Systems. In the ACM/IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC 2008), Boston, MA, USA, June 2008. (acceptance rate = 17%)
- Elizeu Santos-Neto, Matei Ripeanu, Adriana Iamnitchi. Content Reuse and Interest Sharing in Tagging Communities. Technical Notes of the AAAI 2008 Spring Symposia – Social Information Processing, pp. 81-86. Stanford, CA, USA, March 2008.
- Elizeu Santos-Neto, Matei Ripeanu, Adriana Iamnitchi. Tracking User Attention in Collaborative Tagging Communities. In Proceedings of the International ACM/IEEE Workshop on Contextualized Attention Metadata: Personalized Access to Digital Resources, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 2007.
- Elizeu Santos-Neto and Kate Keahey. To Bid or Not To Bid: A Hybrid Market-Based Resource Allocation Framework. In Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing (Poster Session), Tampa, FL, USA, November, 2006.
- W. Cirne, F. Brasileiro, L. Costa, D. Paranhos, E. Santos-Neto, N. Andrade, C. De Rose, T. Ferreto, M. Mowbray, R. Scheer, J. Jornada. Scheduling in Bag-of-Task Grids: The PAUÁ Case. In the Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD 2004), Foz do Iguacu, PR, Brasil, October 2004.
- Elizeu Santos-Neto, Walfredo Cirne, Francisco Brasileiro, Aliandro Lima. Exploiting Replication and Data Reuse to Efficiently Schedule Data-intensive Applications on Grids. In the Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing. New York, NY, USA, June 2004.
- W. Cirne, D. Paranhos, L. Costa, E. Santos-Neto, F. Brasileiro, J. Sauvé, F. Silva, C. Osthoff, C. Silveira. Running Bag-of-Tasks Applications on Computational Grids: The MyGrid Approach. In the Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Parallel Processing, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 6-9 October 2003.