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Archive for the 'Website' Category

55 Examples of Beautifully Integrated Social Media Links in Web Design

To give us some ideas of how we might integrate social media links in our next project, Gisele Muller @ Web Design Ledger has kindly put together a collection of 55 Examples of Well Integrated Social Media Icons in Web Design for our inspiration.   “I believe that everybody already understands the importance of social media, […]

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40 Beautiful Corporate Websites

In today’s marketplace, every company needs an effective website. Of course, the purposes and needs of each company’s site will be unique, but every company should have a site that presents a professional image to visitors. That image should also be an accurate representation of the company and should work with other branding efforts to […]

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15 Quality Web-Based Applications to Create Website Mock-Ups and Wireframes

To effectively manage a project with very little mistakes, you must make it a priority to plan. Whether you are developing a website for personal use or a corporate one for e-Marketing or e-Commerce purposes, diving into the development process with not a single clue as to what elements go where or how certain aspects […]

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