Targeting Specific Customer’s

by ellingdahlen ~ September 17th, 2010. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Innovative packaging solutions for all sorts of products are very powerful marketing tools.

In the summer I worked for a plastics packaging manufacturer as Marketing Coordinator, responsible for a variety of marketing initiatives promoting their products.

You probably don’t pay too much attention to the packaging of the everyday products you use, but they play a crucial role in the consumer’s purchasing decision. Think about – say – No Name brand or 725 Originals or Life brands. They purposely package their products with “simple designs” that don’t look too expensive, and usually cost less than the competitors. Which consumer’s are they targeting with their “simple design” for less campaigns? Quite obviously they are targeting people who are on budgets or people who are interested in saving money.

As I said before, I worked for a plastic packaging manufacturer (check out their website : As it turns out, printing a simple design such as No Name brand isn’t much (if any) cheaper than printing a package with crazy – futuristic looking – graphic designs. I find it very interesting how they can target such a specific group of people with the simple designs they choose.  We must keep trying to “get in the head of our customers”.

3 Responses to Targeting Specific Customer’s

  1.   jackieau

    I definitely see how there’s the advantage of creating brand “recognizability” there. But even if the printing isn’t the expensive part, what about the designing? Perhaps it’s the smaller designing/marketing department that give No Name and Life Brand their pricing competitiveness.
    But yeah, I do agree that they succeed by offering that cheaper alternative. Personally though, I think their lack of packaging design is a detractor, as frankly I’m more inclined to fall for the crazy futuristic stuff.

  2.   ellingdahlen

    You have a point with the price of the design work that is involved with packaging costs, but I still believe that brands like No Name and Life Brand are purposely designed to attract (target) consumers that are on tight budgets or are looking for deals. Just because you find the No Name and Life brands boring, it doesn’t mean that everyone has the same taste. Some consumers look specifically for these types of designs because it makes them feel like they are saving money (and it may be true that most of the time they are). I am also inclined to purchase crazy futuristic looking products as well but that’s definitely not true for all consumers.

  3.   This Little Piggy… Has No Name. « Jackie Au – C296 Marketing Blog

    […] ellingdahlen’s blog about generic store brands such as Superstore’s No Name and Shoppers’ Life Brand […]

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