Does anyone read HTML emails?

by ellingdahlen ~ October 15th, 2010. Filed under: Uncategorized.

I have some mixed thoughts about html emails. Do they actually cause people to read them more than plain text emails? How about thinking in terms of business people – lots of companies set up email so they can only read emails in plain text. Of course, students like myself at University have the ability to receive very high tech looking html emails, but that doesn’t mean everyone around the world prefers or has the ability to receive these emails. When you don’t have html reading abilities the html emails show up as html codes – Lame-o! Check out this link to read up a bit more on html email campaigns.

Personally, I don’t really know what I prefer – html or plain text. I find if the email is straight to the point and doesn’t have a whole bunch of paragraphs I will read them. What do you think or prefer? See what this persons blog has to say about it.

If you are unfamiliar with html emails, take a look at this html email tutorial:

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