Start a Business While in School?

by ellingdahlen ~ November 9th, 2010. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Have you ever thought about starting a business while in school? I sure have.

What does it take?

What type of business do you want to start? There are only so many possibilities while you’re in school – perhaps starting an online business that offers a service, or even creating an investment portfolio sort of like a mutual fund where you pool other investors money together and invest in what you think is good.

Those are just a couple of ideas I had when looking into starting something.

Some advice I got from other blogs is:

  • It is easy to promote your business while in school because you can get your friends to help promote your company
  • It is easier to take risks while in school since we can always fall back on something. You should not be scared of making mistakes since you will always learn from them.
  • There are lots of opportunities to try something innovative in school. The environment we live in at UBC is quite innovative and ideas are widely accepted.
  • It is FUN! While we’re in school we can treat it sort of like a game without too much loss if we fail.

We need to try new things while in school. Many of the largest companies (eg – Microsoft, Facebook) were started while in school. What is holding us back? If you don’t try anything you won’t learn anything.

If you have an innovative idea and want someone to review it/get involved with it feel free to contact me.

Also check out some of the other links I’ve found:

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