Taking a bite off the Apple

September 27th, 2012 § 0 comments

American comedian Jimmy Kimmel goes on the streets with an iPhone 4s, tricking people to believe that it’s the latest iPhone 5 and getting their opinions on it. Many of them fell for it and claimed that the new “iPhone 5” was lighter, faster and better when in actual fact, it’s the same phone.

This clearly shows the cult-like following that Apple has. Consumers are willing to spend huge bucks and queue for hours just want to get their hands on the latest Apple products. Is this a result of Apple’s effective marketing strategies? Let’s take a look at the concepts we’ve learnt so far.

In terms of positioning, I believe consumers associate Apple products with innovation- the latest and hottest gadget out there. The blackberry is more suited for businessmen, having the sleek, palm-sized look. The Samsung galaxy models are perhaps more catered for youngsters with the huge retina display and high-quality camera.

Apple, I believe, encompasses all. It oozes class, appealing to businessmen. It fits snugly into your palm and it’s easy to use as well which caters to all-age groups because who wouldn’t like a user-friendly phone?

The Apple webpage right now shows this tagline for the new iPhone 5:

“The biggest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhone”

I guess the value proposition of Apple is PERFORMANCE. The iPhone being bigger, faster and better than all the other smart phones out in the market. And people like that sense of superiority.

So, who’s going out to get the iPhone 5? 🙂

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