RE: HTC, a falling giant

November 14th, 2012 § 0 comments

With reference to classmate Wilfred Loh‘s blog post about HTC (here),

“Having good hardware is no longer a point of difference, but a point of parity for any top smartphone company.”

I think that’s really true, especially in the mobile phone industry where competition is so tight. Each brand has to create a niche area for itself in order for it to stand out. HTC is lacking in that aspect, it’s a jack of all trades but master of none. Apple is known for its top-notch performance and reliability in the smartphone industry, simply because its (arguably) the most established company among all phone brands. Samsung is known for its “phablet” (phone+tablet) phones with its huge retina display.

Even Blackberry is launching its new BlackBerry 10 next year (read here) and has looked into innovative ways for it to re-enter the industry as a major threat. The new BlackBerry 10 will come with both a touch-screen version and a QWERTY keypad version. On top of that, one of the more groundbreaking changes is the multi-tasking function that allows users to simultaneously use the Internet and check their e-mail. It’s something that rivals don’t have and this will be BlackBerry’s point of difference.

HTC really has to step up its game in order to regain its foothold in the smartphone industry.

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