Sustainability in UBC and beyond

November 13th, 2012 § 0 comments

We had the privilege to have James Tansey in class today and I did learn a lot about sustainability and corporate social responsibility. An activity in class got me thinking about the various sustainable initiatives we have on campus and looking back, I do think UBC is really sustainable.

There is a culture of recycling here, especially at the cafeteria where we’d have various bins to dispose recyclable materials, compost and general waste. And people here actually bother to sort out their waste though it may be a little more time-consuming that simply thrashing everything into ‘waste’ compartment. Also, there is an extra 35 cent charge on disposable take-out containers. Instead, students are encouraged to use plastic containers provided by the cafeteria for a small one-time fee.

There are several green buildings on campus, one of them being Sauder (SAUDER PRIDE :D). And of course, CIRS- which, may I add, is one of North America’s greenest buildings. The two new residences in Totem Park are green too. We have light sensors in the rooms, such that when there’s nobody in the room, it will automatically be turned off. It will also get switched off if natural light is detected. Currently, both Totem Park and Place Vanier have an initiative called “Do It in the Dark”, which basically is a competition to see which house conserves the most energy. This is really an ingenious way to get students involved in energy-saving as I know of people who to go great lengths just to do their part, like showering in the dark, for instance.

How does Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability link to business? Well I think it is important to note that ‘business’ is never a standalone field. It is always related to other fields, whether we know it or not, and one of them is CSR. It all boils down to ethics again, and on top of that, its benefits are manifold- like creating a better reputation for the brand, higher efficiency -> higher profits etc.

In short, CSR and Sustainability are really important in our everyday lives and we all should do our part in making the environment we live and interact in more sustainable. It is essential that we also note how CSR/sustainability relates to Business in order to be more ethical in our dealings in the future. 🙂




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