Legalizing the sale of organs

September 11th, 2012 § 0 comments

There has been much controversy over legalizing organ sales all around the world in recent times.

More and more people are succumbing to organ failure, however, the number of donors are few. Will monetary incentives entice people to donate their organs? This begs many ethical issues.

This may lead to the exploitation of the poor and less educated. Just think about it. Why would anyone want to sell their body parts to a stranger? The rich won’t do it, and neither will the middle-class. Only the poor will and that’s definitely out of desperation. The poor may be so desperate for money that they’ll be willing to sell their organs at any price and they might not even be informed of the adverse health risks and complications that may arise from the surgery. Also, the rich patients may have the means to pay more for the organ required, but not the poor, thus leaving the poor at the losing end and probably decrease their chances of survival.

Next, why are organs being treated like commodities? This brings about ethical issues in the religious aspect, that God made us a whole person with all our organs intact, so who gave us the permission to treat our body parts like commodities and sell them as and when we want?

Even though the government may have certain regulations and policies put in place to minimize exploitation and keep the black market for organ sales at bay, I still don’t think it is ethical. If anything, organs should be donated instead for pure altruistic purposes and not for the sake of earning quick bucks.

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