The internet is an amazing space.

When talking about the new Web 2.0 in class (consumer-generated online media), it got me thinking about all the power that we, the average internet users, have and how easy it is to share our interests.

The exploding popularity of sites that enable us to easily share pages and ideas are proof that we have a big voice in the online world. Sites like Pinterest, Facebook, Digg and StumbleUpon let us pin, like, digg, or share a page with others. There are many times when I have Stumbled Upon a fun video like Walk off the Earth’s music video that went viral with over 50 million views:


or a delicious recipe:

Mmm...sometimes my waistline isn't too happy with my new recipe finds

when I have been bored. I have also discovered some amazing sites through friends’ Facebook posts or likes.

Even more than sharing fun and interesting sites, this new Web has enabled people to share their stories. Videos of outrageous acts – such as the infamous pepper spraying policeman – have gone viral and have shown the world that no heinous act will go unnoticed (as long as there are quick-thinking, camera phone-owning spectators out there).

Now known as the 'Casually Pepper Spray Everything Cop' and a popular meme

So keep on sharing world! Keep the people connected and let all clever ideas be displayed and wrong acts be punished!

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