The world is watching.

Although the craziness of school has taken away prime blogging time these past couple weeks, this story was too good not to share.

It is one of the most effective campaigns I can remember and has spread worldwide in a tiny amount of time. It is KONY2012 and the Invisible Children. This is a perfect example of what an organization can achieve with the limitless geographical boundaries of the internet.

It carries a simple message: Make war-criminal JOSEPH KONY famous (but in a bad way) and arrested in 2012. With its truly compelling video of the effects KONY and his army has on war-torn Uganda’s civilians, it is almost impossible not to care and make a difference. His call to action is simple: make people aware to care and force action. This can be done easily through sharing the video, buying the action kit, or donating to his charity TRI. The creation of a great community with one goal in mind has brought together people from all over the world to spike Facebook, YouTube, and Google hits to ridiculous heights.It will culminate at nightfall on April 20, 2012, when KONY’S face and message will be plastered in every major city for the world to see.

Take note, businesses! His e-strategy was not a fluke, but a well-executed and thought out process that involved a simple message and clear call to action.


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