Halt Ordered on Goldcorp El Morro Mine


In Robert Murphy’s blog post he discusses Goldcorp’s need to create good relationships in the communities that they are involved. The Chilean Supreme Court has recently ordered Goldcorp to halt the development of the El Morro mine, on the basis of the appeal filed by the Diaguita community that the mine would pollute a nearby river. In order to receive an environmental permit that would allow the mine to be built, Goldcorp must undergo consultations.

Earlier in the year I wrote a blog post on the controversial Barrick Gold Corp. mine in Tanzania. Similar to Goldcorp, Barrick Gold Corp. was undergoing a battle with a community which one of its mines was located. However, Barrick did not appear to be concerned with their relationships in the community, but focused on making profits. The difference in Goldcorp’s view is striking, as a company spokesperson stated that Goldcorp is “committed to open and transparent dialogue with its stakeholders and to responsible practices in accordance with the highest applicable health, safety and environmental standards”.

The halt ordered on the El Morro mine shows that mining companies will not be able to continue practices easily without considering all stakeholders. As Goldcorp begins consultations and hopes to develop a relationship with the Diaguita community, other companies such as Barrick Gold Corp. should emulate this. I agree with Robert as he states in his blog that building good relationships will ensure a sustainable future for these companies.






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