Terminology: Class 2


Definition: Backlinks enable you to keep track of other pages on the web that link to your posts. For instance, suppose Alice writes a blog entry that Bob finds interesting. Bob then goes to his own blog and writes a post of his own about it, linking back to Alice’s original post. Now Alice’s post will automatically show that Bob has linked to it, and it will provide a short snippet of his text and a link to his post.

Source: https://support.google.com/blogger/answer/42533?hl=en


Recommended Article: How to Use Blog Commenting to Get Valuable Backlinks and Traffic

Link: http://searchenginewatch.com/article/2069226/How-to-Use-Blog-Commenting-to-Get-Valuable-Backlinks-and-Traffic

Notes: Suggestions on how to use backlinks to increase your own traffic.  One of her suggestions is to make sure you visit other blogs in your industry and comment, then you can see who clicks back to your website.  She gives suggestions on how to post these comments in order to get the most traffic from your comments.


Recommended Article: How to Use Backlinks to Increase Search Engine Ranking

Link: http://www.ehow.com/how_4917972_backlinks-increase-search-engine-ranking.html

Notes: Suggestions on where to put links to your website/blogpost in order to get the most traffic back.



CDJ: Consumer Decision Journey

Definition: The Consumer Decision Journey used to be simpler, with fewer touch points that influenced ultimate purchase decisions. With the recent advancements in technology, connectivity, and access to extensive product information the process has become more complex, considering new points of influence that impact consumer behavior and purchase decisions. The modern Consumer Decision Journey model is defined by five stages: consideration, experience & advocate, evaluation, bond, and buy.

Source: http://www.thesearchagency.com/sites/default/files/CDJ-onesheet.pdf


Recommended Article: The funnel is dead.  The new consumer decision journey.

Link: http://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20121018110732-1816165-the-funnel-is-dead-the-new-consumer-decision-journey

Notes: Focuses on the consumer decision journey as a more up-to-date alternative to the marketing funnel.




Definition: Content Curation basically means that – out of all the content you find on the social web – you pass on the most valuable stuff to your network. A Content Curator is someone who continually finds, groups, organizes and shares the best and most relevant content on a specific issue online.

Source: http://www.michielgaasterland.com/content-marketing/what-is-content-curation-and-how-it’s-useful-to-you-and-your-network/


Recommended Article: Curate Content Like You Mean It!

Link: https://www.socialeddy.com/blog/curate-like-you-mean-it-a-guide-to-curating-content-with-enthusiasm/

Notes:  This article shows by comparison why curating (vs. not curating) is so beneficial and what value it adds to both a post and a website.  “Content curation benefits you by benefitting your audience.”



Marketing Funnel

Definition: A structured method for developing products and/or service offerings at multiple price points, designed to entice prospects to first divulge their contact information, then make an initial purchase, followed by additional purchases. The Marketing Funnel, done right, maximizes the lifetime value of a client.

Source: http://outcomemarketing.com/resources/marketing-glossary/


Recommended Article:  It’s Time to Bury the Marketing Funnel (Forbes)

Link: http://www.forbes.com/2010/12/08/customer-life-cycle-leadership-cmo-network-funnel.html

Notes: Argues the marketing funnel is outdated.



Organic vs. Paid

Definition:  The term “organic search” refers to the natural search engine results that appear for any given query. These are separate from the “paid search” or “sponsored” search engine results that also appear after each search is processed through the search engine.  When you buy a keyword or phrase in order to appear in the search results for that topic, your listing will appear in the sponsored or paid search results and are labeled as such. Organic search engine results are the most relevant search engine results for that query as selected by the search engine.

Source: http://www.wedowebcontent.com/faqs/what-does-organic-search-mean.cfm


Recommended Article: Paid Search vs. Organic Search: Which Converts Better?

Link: http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2013/11551/paid-search-drives-more-conversions-than-organic-search

Notes: Wonderful summary of how effective organic searches are compared to paid searches in converting to sales and how much those sales are usually worth.


Recommended Article: Organic vs. Paid Clicks: These Are Not the Clicks You’re Looking For

Link: http://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2012/09/07/organic-versus-paid-clicks

Notes: This looks at the organic vs. paid by saying that the organic results see far more traffic (94% of search engine clicks go to organic results versus 6% going to paid ads from searches) but are less valuable overall than paid advertisements.




Definition: People, Objectives, Strategy, Technology

Source: http://www.marketingautopsyblog.com/customer-facing/the-post-method-a-mental-note/


Recommended Article: The POST Method: A systematic approach to social strategy

Link: http://forrester.typepad.com/groundswell/2007/12/the-post-method.html

Notes: This is the original article about the POST method, posted by forrester.



SEO: Search Engine Optimization

Definition: Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s “natural” or un-paid (“organic”) search results.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Search_engine_optimization


Recommended Article: Google’s Search Engine Optimization Page

Link: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/35291?hl=en

Notes:  Has a link to Google’s Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide.  This gives a basic overview on how to improve your placing in Google’s search results through simple tips for your website.



Time on site

Definition: Average time on site is a type of visitor report that provides data on the amount of time (in minutes or seconds) visitors have spent on your website. When viewing the time on site report in your Web analytics program it is important to remember that the results can be misleading because in some cases the visitor may have been interacting with your pages and site content or they could have left the browser window open and were not actually viewing your page.

Source: http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/A/average_time_on_site.html


Recommended Article: Standard Metrics Revisited: #4 : Time on Page & Time on Site

Link: http://www.kaushik.net/avinash/standard-metrics-revisited-time-on-page-and-time-on-site/

Notes:  Nice overview of the time on site concept, including pictures (visual aids!).


Recommended Article: Why You Shouldn’t Set Pageviews and Time on Site as Goals in Google Analytics

Link: http://blog.kissmetrics.com/pageviews-time-on-site/

Notes: Argues that information about time on site actually ads zero value.  This is due to us not really understanding what these people were doing on our website and why they were spending so much time or clicking on so many pages.

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