(Sorry again but) More on phone: Nokia – the Limping Giant

Although I doubt 2012 will mark the end of the world, it certainly marks the end of the NOKIA era. More than a decade ago, the Finland based tech company was the biggest cell phone vendor in the world; but as of 2012, this statement no longer holds.

NOKIA’s new Lumia phone attracted much less attention than the Samsung Galaxy S3 or the iPhone 5. Sticking to its contracts to allow AT&T to exclusively sell the Lumia for the first eight month will only worsen the situation. NOKIA got itself aligned with industries but off with the consumers with the Windows 8 platform. Frankly, the mobile environment for both usage and development has heavily leaned towards Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android – so seriously, NOKIA, what are you doing?!

Click here to view historical models (Source: NOKIA)

No doubt, NOKIA has brought us some of the greatest designs in our lifetime. Yet the major trends of a signature NOKIA phone has never altered that much. This could be another reason that NOKIA is no longer the top competitor in the mobile arena – it failed to sense shifts in consumer taste and it failed to compete with brilliant Apple-style marketing.

Lastly, NOKIA’s short and long run stock prices don’t look too pleasant neither:

One year trend – credits: google finance

Ten years trend – credits: google finance

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