Research and Publications

Books | Articles | Chapters


ARTICLES (selected)

  1. “Jean Newton McIlwraith,” Dictionary of Canadian Biography, volume XVI (1931-1940).
  2. “The McIlwraiths and Germany,” Anglistik 33.1 (2022): 271-287. (
  3. ‘Une femme bien en vue’: Adrienne Clarkson and the Media,” International Journal of Canadian Studies 48.1 (2014): 173-190.
  4. with Coral Ann Howells, “Literary History and National Narrative in the Cambridge History of Canadian Literature, the Cambridge History of Australian Literature, and A New Literary History of America.” Anglistik 22.2 (2010): 115-132.
  5. “Cultural Inventories and Nation-Building: Editing The Cambridge Companion to Canadian Literature.” Anglistik 15.2 (2004): 27-42.
  6. “Le Mouton de Troie: Changes in Québec Cultural Symbolism,” American Review of Canadian Studies 27.4 (Winter 1997): 523-544.
  7. “‘Sur les rivages d’un autre âge’: Timothy Findley et Evelyn Waugh,” Etudes littéraires 27.1 (1994): 29-41.
  8. “Fear of Flying? The Myth of Daedalus and Icarus in Canadian Culture,” Journal of Canadian Studies 28.4 (Winter 1993-94): 102-117.
  9. Chroniques du Plateau Mont-Royal et Cronache di poveri amanti: romans encyclopédiques de Michel Tremblay et de Vasco Pratolini,” Voix et images 51 (Printemps 1992): 495-509. Rpt (rev) in Italie – Québec: Croisements et coÏncidences littéraires, Dominique Garand, Gilles Dupuis, ed. (Montreal: Nota bene, 2009): 47-64.
  10. “First Impressions: Rhetorical Strategies in Travel Writing by Victorian Women,” Ariel 21.4  (1990): 87-99. Repr. Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism Vol. 44 (Detroit: Gale, 1994): 321-325.
  11. “Roy Kiyooka’s The Fontainebleau Dream Machine: A Reading,” Canadian Literature 113-114 (Summer-Fall 1987): 47-58.
  12. “Landscape, History, and the Child: Antonine Maillet’s On a mangé la dune,” Québec Studies (1986): 252-60.
  13. “Nineteenth-Century Photography and the Canadian National Image,” Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Kanada-Studien 5.2 (Neumünster, West Germany, 1985): 83-91.
  14. “George Eliot in Canada: Romola and The Golden Dog,” American Review of Canadian Studies 14.3 (Fall 1984): 312-21.
  15. “Postmodernism, Colony, Nation: the Melvillean Texts of Bowering and Beaulieu,” Revue de l’Université d’Ottawa 54.2 (avril/juin 1984): 53-61.
  16. “The Exploding Frame: Uses of Photography in Timothy Findley’s The Wars,” Journal of Canadian Studies 16.3/4 (Autumn/Winter 1981): 68-74.
  17. “Walter Scott in the United States, English Canada, and in Québec: A Comparison,” Canadian Review of Comparative Literature (Winter 1980): 32-46.
  18. “Comparative Canadian Literature: Notes on its Definition and Method,” Comparative Canadian Literature, ed. Philip Stratford, special issue of Canadian Review of Comparative Literature (Spring 1979): 139-50. Rpt. Walter Pache, Konrad Gross, Grundlagen zur Literatur in englischer Sprache: Kanada (Munich: Fink) 179-83.



  1. “Nineteenth-Century Canadians and the Rhine Valley,” Gaining Ground: European Critics on Canadian Literature, ed. Reingard Nischik and Robert Kroetsch (Edmonton: NeWest, 1985): 234-46. Abbr. version in German-Canadian Yearbook 14 (1995): 35-39.
  2. “Nineteenth-Century Canadian Travellers in Paris,” Paris et le phénomêne des capitales littéraires, ed.Pierre Brunel (Paris: Presses de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 1986): 377-82.
  3. “Norway and Québec: Parallels in Literary Nationalism,” Canada and the Nordic Countries, ed. Jorn Carlsen, Bengt Streijffert (Lund, Sweden: Lund UP, 1988): 193-200.
  4. “Victor Hugo in Québec,” Victor Hugo et le rayonnement international de son oeuvre, ed. Francis Claudon (New York: Peter Lang, 1989): 207-214.
  5. “The Cultural Contribution of the Other Ethnic Groups: A New Challenge to Comparative Canadian Literature,” Critical Approaches to the New Literatures in English, ed. Dieter Riemenschneider (Essen: Die blaue Eule, 1989): 83-90.
  6. “The Feminine Picaresque in Canadian Culture,” Geoffrey Davis, Axel Wieger, eds. Kanada: Gesellschaft, Landeskunde, Literatur (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1991): 191-200.
  7. “L’Encyclopédisme romantique au Québec: la filière allemande,” in Le Romantisme au Canada, ed. Kenneth Landry (Montréal: Nuit blanche, 1993): 1-15.
  8. “Myrna Kostash’s Bloodlines and other Journeys into Eastern Europe,” Waldemar Zacharasiewicz, ed., Images of Central Europe in Travelogues and Fiction by North American Writers (Tübingen: Stauffenberg, 1995): 353-61.
  9. “Expo 67: Canada’s Camelot,” Remembering the Sixties, special issue of Canadian Literature 152-3 (Spring-Summer 1997), eds. E.-M. Kröller, M. Fee, I. Higgins, A.-M. Rocheleau, 36-51.
  10. “Regionalism and the Pacific Rim: The Example of Vancouver,” Regional Images and Regional Realities, Lothar Hšnnighausen Ed. (Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1999): 271-282
  11. “Urban Transformations: Vancouver and Berlin.” In Kanada/Europa: Chancen und Probleme der Inter-Kulturalität. Ed. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz and Fritz Peter Kirsch. (Hagen: IST, 2000):
    59-80. “The New Canadian Embassy in Berlin,” Klaus Stierstorfer, Heinz Antor, ed., Refractions of Germany in Canadian Literature and Culture. (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2003): 337-57.
  12. “Introduction,” Cambridge Companion to Canadian Literature (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2004): 1-21; revised, Cambridge Companion to Canadian Literature, 2nd edn. (2017), 1-25.
  13. “Exploration and Travel,” Cambridge Companion to Canadian Literature (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2004): 70-93; revised, Cambridge Companion to Canadian Literature, 2nd edn. (2017), 82-106.
  14. “‘Les talents de la voisine’: Margaret Atwood and Quebec.” John Moss, Tobi Kozakewich, ed. The Open Eye: Margaret Atwood (Ottawa: U of Ottawa P, 2006): 65-79.
  15. with Coral Ann Howells.“Introduction.” Ed. Coral Ann Howells and Eva-Marie Kröller. Cambridge History of Canadian Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. 1-5.
  16. “The Centennial.” Ed. Coral Ann Howells and Eva-Marie Kröller. Cambridge History of Canadian Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. 312-34.
  17. with Coral Ann Howells, “Switching the Plot: From Survival to the Cambridge History of Canadian Literature.” Canada Exposed/Le Canada à découvert, ed. Pierre Anctil et al. (Brussels: Peter Lang, 2009): 45-60.
  18. “’Une terre humaine’: Expo 67, Canadian Women, and Chatelaine/Châtelaine.” Expo 67: Not Just a Souvenir. Ed. Rhona Richman Keneally and Johanne Sloan. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010. 65-80.
  19. “Literary Histories (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Pacific),” Oxford History of the Novel in English, vol. 12, ed. Coral Ann Howells, Paul Sharrad, Gerry Turcotte (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017): 544-560.
  20. “Diplomats as Postcolonial Travellers: Canadian Emissaries to London during WWII,” Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Travel, ed. Robert Clarke (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018), 79-92.
  21. “The Hulu and MGM Television Adaptation of The Handmaid’s Tale,Cambridge Companion to Margaret Atwood, 2nd edition, ed. Coral Ann Howells (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021), 189-205.
