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Small added comment to Reflection 2

Posted: July 21st, 2012, by Elena

I believe this course has helped me expand my PLN.  I would love to hear from everyone in the near future.

Art Decor at Irving K. Barber Learning Center

Posted: July 21st, 2012, by Elena

Glass Art Decoration at Irving K. Barber Learning Center

Chandelier/Open space at Irving K. Barber Learning Center

Posted: July 21st, 2012, by Elena

Chandelier/open space concept at Irving K. Barber Learning Center

My vision for Social Studies 9

Posted: July 21st, 2012, by Elena

Project based topics for Social Studies 9

Reflection 2 My last week

Posted: July 21st, 2012, by Elena

Reflection 2  All about this week:

On  my first reflection, I had created a wordle, I saw my professor’s and wanted to impress him by doing one myself.  I was happy since everything was going well when I could not link my wordle to my blog.  I do not know how many times I attempted the task to meet failure with building frustration; yet  I tried in vain.  My final thoughts centered on how I had completed all the work and I was unable to highlight my efforts if I could not post.  I thought I have done all this work and not to be able to posted would be a shame.   As they say when there is a will there is a way.  Therefore, I took a picture of my wordle on my desk top with my iphone camera, e-mail the picture to my self and posted it.  Looking back I could have also used snap pro, jing etc.  The point is I was able to post it.  If we can get students to get excited about reading wheather it  is through the use of physical books, kobo, e-books it is all worth it.  I have learned in this class that technology is definetely the future of our libraries and that we must begin to embrace it, since our society already has and we do not want to be left behind, but instead be the forfront of technology to bring literacy into our schools/communities.

I enjoyed visiting the UBC Irving K Barber Learning Centre.  This was a great example of how I could incorporate the physical organization, open space concept for a future post secondary library.  Such as the tables that come apart and can become individual desks I like the rolling chairs, however; they would be difficult to stack up to make space if needed.  I can see buying comfortable sofas, having large windows by open areas over looking perhaps a gardern or a beautiful forest.  I would also have the book stacks in a separate area from the open space area.  When I used to work as a library technician, the librarian and I would always try to incorporate students art work, or a sample of their various projects into our library.   Some of the art displayed does not necessarely have to be the studen’ts work, but some can be permanent art displays similar to the ones at  at UBC’s library (Irving K Barber Learning Centre).

Blogsters, an  ingineous way to advertise library events, keep students up to date on new materials available, library schedule and get the school community involved with their school library and not just another isolated area.  I had to quickly learn this new technology to present it in class.

Seeing Esther’s presentation made me think on my original plan in assignment 3 which was to do a full in depth  Social Studies 9 IRP and to go deeper into the subject headings to cover all sub-headings areas and cater to specific websites that cover each  topic.  Unfortunetely, our group was under time constraints and we had to limit as to how detailed we want to be.  This site was reliable and free from advertisements to keep the students focused on the readings.    I would have incorporated some paid web databases that most school districts have nowadays in this area of our website.

What was discussed in Thursday’s class

Posted: July 14th, 2012, by Elena

In class discussion about what a library should look like.

Here is a picture of a dream elementary school library

Posted: July 14th, 2012, by Elena

Image of a Children’s Bookstore in Beijing, China

My reflections

Posted: July 14th, 2012, by Elena

July 3rd, 2012, reflecting back, I never imagined being accepted to UBC into the library Science Diploma program.  My first degree, Bachelor of Arts in languages from University of Alberta afforded my early experience working in libraries.  I worked at the H.T. Coutts Education library first, as a summer employment and then at summers end I worked as a circulation clerk. I met such wonderful librarians who enjoyed their work it made me contemplate doing a Master’s in Library Science.  In addition to working at the university’s libraries, I worked in school libraries in Edmonton, therefore, when my husband and I moved to Chilliwack I wanted to work in a school.  The only feasible way that I could envision realizing my personal goal was hinged upon my attaining a library technician’s diploma.  I quickly set out and achieved my goal by attending University of the Fraser Valley and completed the diploma program. I worked at various schools in both the Abbottsford and Chilliwack School District until my final position at Chilliwack Senior Secondary School where I essentially has free run the library since the teacher librarian and I had a great working relationship instructor.  It is through working and interacting in the school that I came to understand that to truly enjoy the experience I need to have my own school library.    I became aware the only way this could be possible was through my attaining my teaching degree so I endeavoured to attain my Bachelors of Education at Simon Fraser University.  Upon graduation, I have been working as a French and Spanish instructor as well as working at various Libraries earlier on in my teaching career.

It is very nice to work in groups with other teacher librarians who are so eager to learn.  Accessing resources in an organized library is essential for any library program to succeed.   Staff and students need to know that items will be located and available when needed.  The readings of different school districts library handbooks, and the Canadian library association help us realized that we all need to have the same school library standards across libraries.   These standards will help us keep our library organized.  A knowledgeable teacher librarian knows that in the event there are some items that would be best served to our patrons in a different location than its regular location according to Dewey, she will adjust her marc records location and make a note to show her patrons of the change yet keeping the library standard rules.

We talked about access, development of strategies to make our libraries accessible to all.  This is when we looked at the National/District teacher librarian standards, and found that we all use the same standards since this is what makes us accessible to all but yet keeps us organized as well.  All school libraries and community libraries use the Dewey Decimal classification system while most post-secondary schools use the Library of Congress classification system.  In the Dewey Decimal classification system, books on similar subjects are grouped together by means of their call numbers.  Library of Congress classification looks different from that of Dewey Decimal system because the item’s subject identification begins with two to three letters followed by numbers.   Most school districts do not have an extensive library collections  that requires  the use of the Library of Congress classification system.  We did research about other school district’s websites such as school district 36 various library sites.  All their library websites are very well organized, they all use destiny’s library software for their cataloguing purposes however, each library site has added other resources and links to make their website unique and to cater to the needs of its patrons.  Since, the needs of elementary schools patrons would be different than that of a secondary school.

We also touch points in class about designing our libraries.  What would our libraries look like if we received a generous donations that could help build a new library from scratch where money is no object.  What would this look like?  In my group there were all elementary teacher librarians therefore we chose the theme of an elementary school.  We made our library an open design concept, with big windows that would allow natural sunlight,  a view of a forest or garden, unique tables in different shapes that could easily joined if a group of students needed to work as a team.  We created a small amphitheatre for various presentations, a loft with hammocks and various entries such as a ladder, fire station, a slide and an elevator.  We made this library accessible to all.  We provided all our patrons with I-pads.  Ensured that all areas of the library could be visible from the circulations desk area.

What type of library do we want to have?  We have already covered the physical aspects, what about a welcoming environment that encourages students to read and research.


Student’s Information Literacy Needs in the 21st Century:  Competencies for Teacher-Librarians

Association for Teacher-Librarianship in Canada (ATLC) and the Canadian School Library Association (CSLA), November 1997

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