Personal Words – Linking Manual Scripts

Both Alison and I used our manual script assignment as a way to display our written texts. Alison’s post on “Handwritten Story” is an excellent example of a possible journal entry. When compared to my own entry “Welcome to my diary,” we both discuss some personal items that really reflect the time we are in.

Allison describes the COVID crisis as life-changing, she also reflects on her most interesting part of her days being the walks to mailboxes. I also found the comparison remarkably similar that we both mention birthdays. Alison’s fiance’s birthday was coming up, and I reference my own as well. We both mention working from home, our friends/family, and the quarantine in different ways. But the similarities between our two posts were wild.

Our experience was similar in both our journal entries and our descriptions of the experience. We both state we use manual writing for internal thoughts, and the difficulty in knowing our word-count at the end. Both of us tool pictures of our entries. The tools are similar and the experience is similar. We even both wrote in cursive, which is uncommon for both of us.

In terms of literacy, the manual writing challenge shows that both Alison and I know how to write in cursive (something students nowadays are rarely taught) and how, at times, we prefer to write manually for our own reasons. I like to think both of our pages were legible. However, Alison’s image required some zoom-ins before I could read it.

In conclusion, Allison’s journal could have well been my own. I would be very interested in a collection of journal entries from multiple sources during the COVID quarantine, to see how many other’s experiences I can relate to.


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