Bridge Financing – Peer Review

Hi Nicholas,

I have reviewed your definition assignment. Following this message are my comments as a peer review form  as well as your original document. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.



Link to Nicholas’ Work : English-Assignment-1-3

Name of the Reviewer: Phoebe

Author’s Name: Nicholas

Title of the Expanded Definition: Bridge Financing


List three questions that came to mind in reading your teammate’s expanded definition draft.

  1. What are the advantages/disadvantages of bridge financing?
  2. Do projects never get built if not for bridge financing?
  3. What are traditional loans?


Initial Impressions: answer these questions in paragraph form

My initial impression is that bridge financing is a way to finance your project by asking private investors to invest in your development early on in the real estate developing process when banks won’t fund them. Bridge financing is higher interest than traditional loans.


Good Citations


Good Sentence Definition


Comments about Purpose

  1. Is the purpose of the definition clearly defined here?
  • Yes, but why would a consumer/potential home buyer need to know about bridge financing?


  1. Do any parts of the document stray from the intended purpose?
  • No


Briefly describe any changes you would suggest.


I think it could be beneficial to add another figure/table comparing and contrasting the differences and similarities between bridge financing and traditional loans. As I learned in science, its advantageous to have the audience grasp your main point from just looking at the figures. Similarly, an expanded figure caption just reiterating where bridge financing would contribute to would help, in my opinion.


I don’t clearly understand the last paragraph, especially the last sentence. Could you maybe illustrate this point with an example?


I don’t know if my interpretation was right, but “short-term loans” as a parenthetical definition feels semi-inaccurate.


Did you mean “created” instead of “creating” in the second sentence of your first paragraph?


I think you could be more specific when listing out the three defining characteristics by saying “shorter loan-timing, higher interest rate… etc


  1. Is there any use of jargon in the definition? If so, indicate briefly


  • In your sentence definition, you say bridge financing is from non-traditional lenders. What are traditional lenders?
  • Would “high interest rates” mean the same as above-market interest rates?
  • I feel like people who do not know much about finance or money would have a hard time grasping what a “non-traditional lender” and “above-market interest rates”


Comments about Organization

  1. List the methods of expansion you see being used in the definition.
  2. History
  3. Analysis of parts
  4. Comparison and Contrast
  5. Operating Principle (?) – not sure if you used this


  1. Does each section of the definition – introduction, body, and conclusion – perform its intended task? If not, indicate what needs further attention.

– Yes, but I think you’re missing a conclusion


  1. Does the definition contain clear forecasting statements in its thesis and topic sentences?



  1. Comments about Visuals: are the visuals useful and correctly labeled?




Overall Final Impressions

  1. What element of this document is most in need of improvement and why?


I think a second figure, as mentioned above, would really help as well as including a concluding paragraph

  1. What is the most effective element of this document and why?

I think you did a really good job explaining bridge financing to someone who has no clue about any sort of financing. In particular, I feel like your second paragraph was the most thoroughly thought out part. I liked that you began with the three things that separated bridge financing from other types of financing first and then went on to explain more in detail.



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