Assignment 2.2: Peer Review of LinkedIn Profile

To: Erin Mungham, ENGL301 99A Dream Team Member

From: Roxanne Robles, ENGL301 99A Student and Dream Team Member

Date: October 31, 2020

Subject: Peer Review of LinkedIn profile page

Dear Erin,

Firstly, thank you for accepting my request for a connection on LinkedIn. It was a pleasure peer reviewing your profile page. Below you will find comments and suggestions that can be helpful for your editing. The attached PDF is my peer review template for this assignment, as requested.


General Impressions:

Overall, the LinkedIn profile is excellent and complete. The page appears to be clean and well organized that gives a professional and appropriate tone. You have made a couple connections, but a couple more could be made by connecting with people you already know. I would also recommend doing some networking to find more people to connect with who might be helpful towards your career goals.




The headline provides sufficient information regarding yourself and your career of choice. It includes keywords towards your desired career path and effectively highlights professional objectives.


The summary is a great use of summarizing your objectives and career goals, with it’s effective use of personality and professionalism. Your objectives are clearly conveyed when mentioning your reasons and desire to become a registered dental hygienist. The personal experiences that is discussed add personality and makes you stand out. Relevant skills in the industry that were obtained and practice in the workplace is also highlighted.

Education and Experiences:

The relevant details for your education and certificates are included and well featured in your profile. Your experiences and education are effectively listed chronologically, from latest to oldest.

For volunteer experiences, detailed descriptions that were consistent and concise are included. Descriptions appear to highlight skills listed in the “skills” section. There are a few relevant work experiences listed as a registered dental hygienist. I would recommend included a description to each. Maybe include some details of your job and tasks at each experience and what differentiates them if possible.

A good list of courses is included in the “Accomplishments”. All of which are related to your current and desired career path. 

Skills and Accomplishments:

Relevant soft skills are included. These soft skills were also effectively highlighted in the summary and experiences sections. This section seems to be missing more technical skills. Include any technical skills related to being a dental hygienist.


A couple interests listed, both of which is related to your educational experiences. I would recommend adding more companies and organizations that you are interested in for professional focus, which can help find you find interesting and useful information. More specifically, add organizations that are relevant to your area or field. People like to see that you’re following their organization especially if you are thinking of applying or working there in the future.


Communication and Visuals

Grammar and Expressions:

The readability of the profile is well thought out and organized. Everything is easily understandable.

The following are a couple changes that can be made:

  • Less use of word, this: “I saw a need for change in the dental community” (summary section)
  • Included use of the: “cleanings on patients admitted to the hospital” (volunteer experience section)
  • Define PSW (volunteer experience section)
  • Missing apostrophe and the: “to enhance the patient’s experience” (volunteer experience section)

Profile Picture

The profile is a great choice, it is both friendly and approachable. It also appears professional with neutral clothing and a non-busy background.


Concluding Comments:

Overall, it is a great profile built so far, with details that effectively convey your objectives, personality, professionalism and skills. The summary in particular is very impressive. By including detailed descriptions to your work experiences, adding additional skills and connecting with more users, I believe you will do well in building a bigger network with LinkedIn. I hope these suggestions are found helpful. I wish you luck with using LinkedIn to help make more connections and to further your career.


Enclosure: 301 LinkedIn Peer Review Template Roxanne Robles

LinkedIn Profile Reviewed: Erin Mungham’s LinkedIn Profile

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