Assignment 2.3: Email Memo for Progress Report


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL301 99A Professor

From: Roxanne Robles, ENGL301 99A Student

Date: November 9, 2020

Subject: Progress Report on Formal Report Assignment

As requested, the following is a progress summary on my formal report regarding the improvement of the hiring and recruitment process for female developers and managers at SAP Canada/Vancouver.

Intended audience

This report will address the respective manager/leaders in the relevant departments involved:

  • SAP Vancouver HR and hiring managers
  • SAP Intern Experience Program (iXp) Canada lead
  • SAP Vancouver Diversity and Inclusion Initiative Team


The aim of this report is to:

  • Assess and analyze the current recruitment and hiring process implemented at SAP, specifically the Vancouver office.
  • Determine the difficulties that women face when searching and applying for developer and managerial jobs
  • Identify better practices to increase the candidate pool by improving the experience women have applying for these positions at companies like SAP


This investigation into a more inclusive hiring and recruitment process for developers and managers will allow for a wider spread in the hiring pool. Possibly resulting in more talented women in the workplace.

Research Plan

  • Identify common issues that people in tech face during the job search and hiring process, more specifically women
  • I need to confirm specific interviewees and contacts, for groups below.
  • Primary data sources
    • Survey with SAP employees, i.e. developers and managers
    • Interviews with members of the Diversity and Inclusion team
      • SAP intern experience program Canada lead (iXp): Michelyn Smythe
      • Hiring Managers: Roy Budhai, Sarah Spratley, Jayne McMillan
  • Secondary data sources
    • Publications on women in tech: why it’s important, struggles women face, how to improve demographics
    • Reports/Studies on SAP’s representation and methods

Writing Schedule

  • Nov 16 2020: Start conducting interviews and surveys
  • Nov 21 2020: Do additional research from secondary data sources
  • Nov 27 2020: Work on report including collected data
  • Nov 29 2020: Make final revisions to formal report draft
  • Dec 1 2020: Post formal report draft on team forum
  • Dec 4 2020: Write peer review of formal report draft
  • Dec 12 2020: Revise formal report based on peer review
  • Dec 15 2020: Make final revisions to formal review
  • Dec 17 2020: Formal report deadline. Post as .pdf or .doc

Please to contact me for clarification or to provide suggestions. I look forward to continuing my research on this topic and will do so once I receive your approval for my primary research.

Enclosure: 301 Interview Questions Roxanne Robles


2 comments on “Assignment 2.3: Email Memo for Progress Report
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Roxanne,

    Thank you for posting your Progress Report. The report is good. But the Survey questions need some work.

    Question 4 assumes the participant is a woman. And the adverb “similar’ is confusing.

    Question 5 implies that SAP only ‘seems’ to be inclusive – rephrase so the question is less bias

    Question 6 asks personal questions about the participant that we cannot ask for ethical reasons. Do not ask any questions that might make a participant question their well-being: too personal

    Question 7 – again assumes your participant is a woman. You should include all genders in your survey, do not try to survey only women. The problem is relevant to everyone, not only women.

    Please revise the survey accordingly, and alert me with an email with a link. Thank you.

    • roxanne joie robles says:

      Hi Dr. Erika Paterson,

      Thank you for your feedback. I have taken your comments into consideration and have revised the survey attached accordingly.

      Thank you,

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