Assignment 2.3 – Progress Report Memo


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL301 Instructor
From: Jonathan Ho, ENGL301 Student
Date: November 12, 2020
Subject: Progress Report on Improving Shelf-label/Talker Accuracy and Efficiency at Shoppers Drug Mart

Please find the completed progress report on improving shelf-label/talker accuracy and efficiency at Shoppers Drug Mart (SDM) below. Additionally, attached at the end of the memo is a document containing the intended survey and interview questions.

Intended Audience:

  • Michael Lam, owner of the intended SDM location
  • David Wong, front store manager of the intended SDM location

Purpose: Improving shelf-label/talker accuracy and efficiency at the SDM location

Significance: Improving the accuracy and efficiency of shelf-labels/talkers will improve the customer experience, allow SDM employees to focus on other more meaningful tasks, and minimize losses due to the Scanning Code of Practice.

Research Plan:

Identify problem:

  • How many hours a week are spent on updating shelf-labels and talkers?
  • How often do incidents occur that relate to labeling inaccuracies?

Primary data sources:

  • Customer Surveys: Customers (anyone who regularly shops at a grocery/retail store)
  • Employee Surveys: SDM employees and supervisors
  • Interviews: SDM supervisors and managers

Secondary data sources:

  • Research on current electronic shelf-labeling system offerings and features

Writing Schedule:

Nov 14 2020: Research secondary data sources

Nov 16 2020: Begin interviews and surveys

Nov 23 2020: Begin drafting formal report

Nov 29 2020: Revise and edit draft formal report

Dec 1 2020: Post draft formal report on team forum

Dec 3 2020: Peer review team member’s draft formal report

Dec 11 2020: Revise formal report based on peer review

Dec 15 2020: Make final revisions to formal report

Dec 17 2020: Post final formal report on team forum

301 Jonathan Ho Survey and Interview Questions

One comment on “Assignment 2.3 – Progress Report Memo
  1. erikapaterson says:

    November 13, 2020

    Hi Jonathan,

    Thank you for posting your Progress Report – this looks excellent, your survey is good to go and you should get it up online as soon as possible. I hope you have successful interviews and enjoy your investigation. I look forward to learning more. Enjoy.

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