ENGL 301 – Anusha Saleem, Assignment 2.3 – Memo to Instructor regarding progress in Formal Report



To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 99A Instructor

From: Anusha Saleem, ENGL 301 99A Student

Date: November 13th, 2020

Subject: Update on progress made on the Formal Report


The purpose of this memo is to provide an update on the progress of my formal report. The title of the report is, ‘A Proposal to Reduce Bicycle Theft at UBC Student Family Residence (Acadia Park)’.

Following are the key points which the report will address:

  • The audience for the report – This report will be presented to:
    • Emma Chartrand, Acadia Park Residence Life Manager at UBC Student Residence
    • Manmohan Mand, Community Zone Manager at UBC Campus Security
    • Sunny, Programs Manager of the AMS Bike Kitchen


  • Purpose of the report – To reduce bicycle theft at Acadia Park, which is the UBC Student Family residence.


  • Significance of the report to the reader – UBC is committed to supporting and protecting the campus community from theft and loss of property. This report will be of significance because the audience and the people who will contribute data related to bicycle theft for this report are all united under the umbrella of UBC.


  • Research plan – The research plan is as follows:
    • Showing the absence of existing bicycle cages with visual data sourced from the UBC website.
    • Getting primary data from interviews with the president and vice-president of Acadia Park Residence Association
    • Getting secondary data from surveys conducted among Acadia Park Residents Facebook Page
    • Observations and frequency data of bicycle theft at Acadia Park within the last year from UBC Campus Security


  • Writing Schedule – The writing schedule is as follows:
    • Nov 15th: Gathering the visual data and maps required to make the case
    • Nov 17th: Conducting Interviews and surveys
    • Nov 28th: Complete Formal Report Draft and posted on the team forum
    • Nov 30th: Completing the research and summarizing any key points
    • Dec 11th:  Revising the formal report based on peer review
    • Dec 16th: Make final revisions to formal review
    • Dec 17th: Formal report deadline with the report posted on the team forum


Please let me know any suggestions for this current plan. Attached are the planned interview questions for your review. I look forward to continuing my research once I receive your approval for my scheduled writings. Thank you!


Survey Questions

ENGL 301 Assignment 2.3 Interview Questions

One comment on “ENGL 301 – Anusha Saleem, Assignment 2.3 – Memo to Instructor regarding progress in Formal Report
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Anusha,

    Thank you for posting your Progress Report. This looks good to go, I look forward to learning more.

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