Formal Report Progress Report


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor
From: Annie Maurer, ENGL 301 Student
Date: November 13, 2020
Subject: Formal Report Progress Report

This memorandum provides an update on the formal report regarding the issue of implanting a pedestrian light at the intersection of Chesterfield Avenue and 17th Street in North Vancouver.

The audience for the formal report is North Vancouver City Council. In particular, the report will be addressed to the mayor, Linda Buchanan, and all six city councilors.

The report addresses safety concerns at a busy intersection in Central Lonsdale and presents a solution to these concerns in the form of a pedestrian controlled light. In addition to the proposed solution, the report will provide survey findings so council can gain a comprehensive understanding of the issue.

If the report and accompanying safety concerns are taken seriously by council, a pedestrian controlled light crossing could be installed at Chesterfield and 17th. This could lead to increased safety, improved neighbourhood morale, and prosperity to neighbours and businesses alike.

Research Plan

  • Create an ethical, non-biased survey that would work for neighbours, pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, and businesses
  • Identify a selection of nearby businesses of varying sizes that would provide a representative sample of viewpoints of the proposed pedestrian light
  • Conduct the surveys over multiple dates and times of day
  • Analyze survey results
  • Finalize finding and recommendations to be brought to city council

Writing Schedule

  • November 13 – Progress report due
  • November 22-25 – Conduct surveys of neighbours, pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers
  • November 27-28 – Conduct surveys of local businesses
  • December 1 – Submit draft of formal report
  • December 10 – Complete peer review of formal report draft
  • December 11-15 – Incorporate peer feedback into formal report
  • December 17 – Submit formal report on team forum

Thank you for taking the time to read this progress report. Please find the proposed survey questions attached.

301 Annie Maurer Survey Questions

Link to online survey

3 comments on “Formal Report Progress Report
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Annie,
    Thank you for posting this Progress Report – however, I do not see the attached survey. Please do attach the survey, I will return to take a look. Thank you.

  2. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Annie,

    Thank you for attaching the interview questions. I am a little confused. You mean to say the Survey questions – correct? There is a big difference between interviews and surveys. Once you have the survey online, please include the link here on your Progress Report – you are good to go. Thank you and enjoy.

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