Nicholas Jang | Assignment 2.3 Memo re. Formal Report Progress Report

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 99A Professor
From: Nicholas Jang, ENGL301 99A Student
Date: November 13th, 2020

As required in unit 2-3 of the ENGL 301 curriculum, below is my progress report of my formal report on how UBC CVC can increase engagement amongst its members


UBC CVC Senior Executive Team
UBC CVC Board Executive Team
UBC CVC General Executive Body
UBC CVC Current and Prospective General Members

The purpose of this formal report is to explore strategies to increases engagement levels amongst UBC CVC’s general member body.

Significance of the Report:

UBC CVC is UBC’s largest social club with over 500 general members in the 2019 – 2020 school year. The on-going Covid-19 pandemic has negatively impacted the club’s engagement levels amongst general members. The research conducted in this report will outline strategies the club can employ to reverse this trend in the next school year.

Research Plan:
Problem identification:
Evaluate UBC CVC’s current and past offerings
What are levels of feasible regarding financial and logistically for events and perks

Primary Research:
Survey CVC’s target market and identify their wants and needs
Interview(s) with CVC’s Board and Senior Executive members to gain potential solutions and events
Secondary Data:
Articles and infographics regarding the further general preferences of our target market
Collect marketing data regarding which communication channels our target market prefers

Writing Schedule

Nov 13: Start conducting surveys and interviews
Nov 20: Start secondary data research
Nov 27: Combine data sources to outline findings into a preliminary draft
Nov 30: Post formal report draft on the team forum
Dec 6: Write and post peer review of formal report draft
Dec 13: Revise a formal report with the help of the peer review
Dec 16: Post formal report on the team forum


Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding this assignment. I look forward to receiving your feedback on my progress report. Attached is a Link to my survey and interview questions.


Nicholas Jang Interview Questions


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