Assignment 2:3 – Email Memo Outlining Formal Report Progress

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 99A Instructor
From: Eugenia Fasciani, ENGL 301 99A Student
Date: November 13, 2020
Subject: Progress Report on Formal Report

As requested, this is a formal report summary that addresses the impacts of declining participation rates in the UBC Arts Co-op Student Association (ACSA) Mentorship Program.


The primary audience for this report is the UBC ACSA executive team for 2020-2021. This report will be of particular interest to current executives P. Dugar (President), C. Soni (Pro-D Chair) and H. Baker (Mentorship Chair). Depending on the findings of the final report, it may also be appropriate to share it with the UBC Arts Program.


The purpose of the report is to:

  • Determine the number of current participants in the mentorship program in comparison to previous years
  • Understand why participation rates in the program have been steadily declining
  • Analyze current social media statistics that promote the mentorship program
  • Identify factors that compel ACSA students to join the mentorship program and what is expected from a mentoring relationship
  • Compile feedback from previous ACSA mentors/mentees for marketing purposes
  • Develop a strategic marketing plan for promoting the mentorship program to a wider audience
  • Investigate current approaches to promoting the program to see which strategies have been effective
  • Communicate findings to ACSA based on both primary sources and secondary sources


It will be difficult for ACSA to meet its objective for providing students an opportunity to network and learn from established professionals through the mentorship program, if it is no longer sustainable. In the event that the mentorship program has to be scraped due to a lack of student engagement, ACSA may see a reduction in membership rates across the board if the program is no longer being offered. It will be more difficult for ACSA to request funding from AMS and the Arts Co-op Office in order to support the club. Students and professionals that wish to be part of a mentoring relationship will also be denied the invaluable experience to do so.

Research Plan

The research plan will explore the topics described above by investigating how the situation came to be:

  • Determine the reason why ACSA Mentorship Program participation rates are steadily declining
  • Gather data on social media statistics that promote the program
  • Establish feasibility of a strategic social media strategy with the purpose of recruiting new participants
  • Summarize feedback on the benefits of having a mentoring relationship from former mentors/mentees
  • Analysis of data obtained from survey questions

Information will be compiled via the following sources:

Primary Sources:

  • Online surveys with past and current ACSA executives outlining challenges to program recruitment
  • Online surveys with past mentors/mentees requesting feedback about the program
  • Survey to general co-op student body for the purposes of identifying potential online marketing strategies

Secondary Sources:

  • Review studies regarding effectiveness of online marketing strategies in recruitment for student-led activities
  • Consult with  with past transition reports created by former ACSA executives leading the mentorship chair

Writing Schedule 

Below is the writing schedule outlined for the purposes of completing the formal report by the prescribed deadline. The timeline is flexible as much of the data required is depended upon timely completion of the surveys.

  • November 15: Email online surveys to current ACSA executives including the President, Pro-D Chair and the Mentorship Chair and request past transition reports
  • November 16-18: Email surveys sent to past mentors/mentees; separate email to general co-op student body
  • November 19-20: Analysis of survey results
  • November 21-23: Review secondary sources
  • November 24-25: Complete formal report draft on the team forum
  • December 10: Peer review of formal report draft on the team forum
  • December 11-14: Revise the formal report based on the peer review and feedback from the instructor
  • December 15: Further revisions and inclusion of visual graphics that speak to survey results
  • December 17: Submit final report on the team forum

I am open to suggestions to improve the quality of my research and my formal report. Once I receive approval to go forward with my online surveys, I will begin work on a draft of this report. Thank you for the continued support.

Attached: 301-Eugenia Fasciani – Survey-Questions

One comment on “Assignment 2:3 – Email Memo Outlining Formal Report Progress
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Eugenia,

    Thank you for posting your Progress Report, this looks excellent and ready to go. I look forward to learning more. Enjoy.

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