Memo | Formal Report Progress


To: Dr. Erika Paterson
From: Mitchell Prost
Date: November 13, 2020
Subject: Progress Report: Formal Report

Report Audience

This formal report will be targeted towards the Cabinet of the UBC Residence Hall Association (RHA). The RHA Cabinet is the decision body that would be able to review the report and vote on any changes that are to be made. The report will initially be sent to Zach Higgins, the RHA President and the Chair of the RHA Cabinet. Once the final report is generated, a presentation will likely be made and presented to Cabinet.

Report Purpose

The report will include recommendations for changes 1) in the way the RHA markets its events and initiatives to the UBC Student Residence population 2) in the structure of the RHA’s executive, and 3) the procedure of the RHA’s executive elections. There are current roadblocks that exist in RHA’s marketing strategy. This report will provide an extensive review of these roadblocks and provide recommendations to elevate the RHA’s marketing strategy. The second aspect of this study will explore how the current structure of the RHA’s executive team is currently functioning in terms of task management and if there are any improvements that can be made. Lastly, the elections procedure will be explored and recommendations to improve the accessibility and visibility of the executive elections will be explored.

Report Significance

The results of this report will allow the RHA Cabinet to review detailed assessments of the three key aspects mentioned above. This will allow informed decision making for any changes that may be adopted as a result of the report. The report itself will provide a “pulse check” on how the RHA is operating and provide information about improvements. As the RHA is a student-run organization, detailed reports such as this are not always feasible due to student time constraints.

Research Plan

  • Reach out to RHA Executives and conduct 1:1 interviews regarding their positional duties and commitments
  • Publish the RHA Marketing engagement survey to online Facebook groups and other social media
  • Host a roundtable discussion in the RHA cabinet and the RHA Resident Engagement Committee regarding marketing engagement
  • Review internal documents pertaining to marketing, previous executive structures and duties, and the RHA executive election procedure
  • Reach out to institutions across the Pacific Affiliate of College and University Halls (PACURH) region to better understand how other institutions run their Residence Government executive elections

Writing Schedule

  • Nov 16, 2020 | Reach out to institutions regarding executive election procedure
  • Nov 16, 2020 | Begin 1:1s with RHA executives regarding their positional duties
  • Nov. 17, 2020 | Begin review of internal documents
  • Nov. 18, 2020 | Publish RHA marketing survey
  • Nov. 19, 2020 | Host roundtable discussion with RHA Cabinet
  • Nov. 25, 2020 | Close RHA marketing survey and begin data analysis
  • Dec. 1, 2020 | Formal Report Draft Due

Links to Surveys and Interview Questions

The three discussion interviews are attached to this memo. The link to the survey is provided here.

Mitchell_Prost_ENGL_301 | RHA Election Procedures
Mitchell_Prost_ENGL_301 | RHA Cabinet Roundtable Discussion
Mitchell_Prost_ENGL_301 | RHA Executive 1_1s

One comment on “Memo | Formal Report Progress
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Mitchell,

    Thank you – this looks excellent, you are good to begin your investigation. Enjoy.

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