Email Memorandum: Formal Report Proposal (Hand Hygiene Program)


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Professor
From: Quentin Michalchuk, ENGL 301 Student
Date: October 14th, 2020
Subject: ENGL 301 Formal Report Proposal Submitted

As per this week’s instructions, I am emailing you to confirm my submission of the ENGL 301 formal report proposal as evidenced by my team’s (Pencil Pack) blog, found here.  Attached at the bottom is the Microsoft Word format of the proposal.

The contents of this proposal include:

  • Introduction – Sufficient background on hand hygiene and the team responsible for its efforts
  • A statement of the problem – Poor hand hygiene at the BC Children’s Hospital and its need for improvement
  • A proposed solution to the problem in question – A novel idea that incorporates improvement of hand hygiene in both healthcare workers, patients and visitors
  • The scope of the report – Leading questions to improve the implementation of the hand hygiene program
  • Methods of inquiry – Primary and secondary sources from those involved and surveying to greater understand the problem
  • My qualifications – General qualifications for the project and experience in related areas
  • Intended audience and a concluding statement – Target audience and encouragement of acceptance of the proposal

If you require additional information, please let me know, I will answer to the best of my ability.  I look forward to hearing from you and your feedback.

Enclosure: 301 Quentin Michalchuk Formal Report Proposal

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