Welcome to Engl. 301 January 2021

Welcome English 301

Hello everyone. I am pleased to be beginning a new semester of English 301. I designed this course as an online course in 2014 and have been teaching all my courses online since that time. I am happy to have become an online professor before the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world. I enjoy using a Face Book page for my classes and encourage you join the page, it is a private group page and a great place to post questions and share links: https://www.facebook.com/groups/579486772161943/

I will e-mailing with a pdf file of our Evaluation sheet. Please take a close look at the sheet and note the value of each assignment. You will receive updated sheets as we move through the semester. Here is what the evaluation sheet looks like:

Student name:

Writing Team Name:



Unit One

/ 16

Unit Two

/ 20

Unit Three / 15 Formal Report/ 20 App Pack/ 10 Web Folio/ 18 Final



Welcome to our course of studies together. As you can see from our class schedule this is an intensive writing course that requires consistent and timely participation, so please do study the requirements and due dates and ensure you schedule yourself accordingly.

There are two important elements of this course that are perhaps a bit unusual:

  1. The opportunities to edit and rewrite your work before evaluation;
    1. After each peer review you are expected to return to the original document and revise your work accordingly
    2. Only your peer reviews and emails are evaluated as presented in the original documents – *all other writing assignments can be edited and re-edited as your skills improve before final evaluation. These assignments will be presented in your Web Folio under best works at the end of the semester.
    3. At the end of Semester, you will present a Web Folio and at that time your work will be re-evaluated for 20% of the grade.

*Please note assignment 1:2, your letter of application, will be evaluated to give you an idea of where your writing skills are now.

  1. The peer review process;
    1. Timeliness is essential. Because we are using a peer-review process, if you post your assignment late, then your peer will likewise be late. If you are not going to make the required post: ALERT your writing team so they can make other arrangements.
    2. The purpose is to work in a professional environment together in which timeliness is an essential skill.

Please study the evaluation sheet below for point distribution. You will receive evaluation sheets regularly throughout the term. You are expected to continually self- edit your work; first, review the Instructor’s blog for self-editing tips, study the peer review you receive.

PLEASE note; it is your peer reviews that are graded – not your practice assignment drafts. At the end of the semester, you will include examples of your edited work in your Web Folio, and at that time, you will receive points for those assignments.

Please scroll down to see comments on each Lesson. Thank you.

  • PLEASE NOTE: late assignments will lose 0.5 points per day




Unit One:

1: 2 Assignments:

  • A letter of application addressed to the class to be posted on your blog [and included as word doc file linked into your blog]. Be sure to name your file appropriately: 301 Your name Application letter.
  • An email memoto your instructor providing a summary of your letter (300 words) posted on your blog
  • An email messageto each of your perspective writing team partners.


Assignment Excellent Good Needs correction
Letter of Application /4
Email Memo:

/ 1



Email message:

/ 1



1: 3 Assignments:

  • Write three definitions: a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition, and an expanded definitionon your writing team forum, before midnight.
  • Peer review of definitions[upload handout Unit One Lesson Three]
  • Unit One Reflection BlogEdit your definition assignment according to your peer review feedback and then write a Reflection Blog on both the original writing, the peer review process and the editing process: what did you learn?  Attach a link to your revised definition. Post on your Blog Before midnight



Assignment Excellent Good Needs correction
Peer Review of definitions /5
Reflection Blog /5


Unit Two /19


2: 1 Assignments:

  • Formal report proposalsto be posted on your Team forum and included as word doc file in an email memo to your Instructor before midnight [late assignments will lose 0.5 points per day]
  • Peer review of a Formal Report proposal on your Team Forum AND included as a word doc attachment in an email memoto be posted on your Team Forum– before midnight [late assignments will lose 0.5 points per day]



Assignment Excellent Good Notes for corrections
Peer Review Formal Report Proposals /4
Proposal Memo / 4




2:2 Assignments:

  • Write a memo to your writing team [posted on your team forum] with the purpose of providing a summary of your research concerning best practices for professional networking on Linked In [300 words max]before midnight [late assignments will lose 0.5 points per day]


 Best practices Memo /3



 2:3 Assignments:

  • Formal Report Outline [p. 522] before midnight [late assignments will lose 0.5 points per day]
  • An email memo to Instructor with a Progress Report on your Formal Report with word files attached, or url links to, surveys, and/or interview questions, before midnight [late assignments will lose 0.5 points per day]
  • Unit Two Reflections Blog, before midnight [late assignments will lose 0.5 points per day]


Assignment Excellent Good Notes for corrections
Blog Reflections /5
Progress Memo /4




3: 1 Assignments:

  • Writing with You Attitude: memo to Even Crisp before midnight posted on your team forum [late assignments will lose 0.5 points per day]
  • Business Letters: Complaint & Bad Newsletter posted on your team forum   before midnight [late assignments will lose 0.5 points per day]


Assignment Excellent Good Notes for corrections
Peer Review of Progress memo/4

To Evan Crisp

Writing with YOU attitude /3



3: 2 Assignments:

  • Formal Report First Draft posted on your team forum with a word doc file, before midnight [late assignments will lose 0.5 points per day]


3:3 Assignments:

  • Peer Review of Formal Report Draft posted on your team forum and emailed to your peer with a message and a word doc attachment. CC to your instructor before midnight [late assignments will lose 0.5 points per day]
  • Unit Three Reflections Blog, before midnight [late assignments will lose 0.5 points per day]



Assignment Excellent Good Notes for corrections
Peer Review of Formal Report /5
Blog Reflections /5






4:1 Assignments: Formal report posted on your team forum

4:2 Assignments: Application package Posted on your Web Folio

4:3 Assignments: Web Folio


Assignment Excellent Good Needs correction
Formal Report / 20
Job application Package /10


Web Folio /18




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