Unit One: writing tips

Hello English 301,

Good Monday Sept. 20/21

As we work our way through this course, I will post writing tips and examples from your assignments. This, the first writing tip, is the most important because learning how to “avoid pronouns” will significantly increase the professional tone of your writing. Most writers use too many pronouns, which makes writing unnecessarily wordy.

Writing Tip: Avoid too many pronouns: “I / me/ you/ us”

The goal for professional writers is to write as concisely and clearly as possible, providing all necessary details, and eliminating all unnecessary details and words. 


Example: “Hello, welcome to my blog for ENGL 301. My name is xxx xxx. I am a fourth-year student in BCS program. I was previous ARTS student who majored in MATH and ECON. After I finished my BA program, I joined BCS program and started my study in computer science. Computer science is very interesting to me. I learned a lot from how to write a “hello world” project, to a full-stack project. I am very proud to see the big progress I made during the last two years. I am also interested in machine learning and data science. Economics teaches me how to interpret the world and computer science tells me how to explore the world using data. Please feel free to talk with me about anything about economics and computer science

(15 pronouns/ 132 words).


Hello, welcome to my English 301 blog. I am a 4th year BCS student with a previous BA majoring in Math and Economics. With an interest in machine learning and data science, I joined the BCS program and had the opportunity to write a “Hello World” full-stack project, a project to be proud about. Economics teaches us how to interpret the world and computer science teaches us how to explore the world with data. Please feel free to chat together about anything to do with economics and computer science (5 pronouns/ 88 words).


“I have included a list below that is a short summary of the main points of my application.

  • I introduce my academic background in English, Visual Art, and Business
  • I outline my experience working at Digital Media Academy as a technician. I use this to expand on my writing and communication skills I gained from that job and how they are a great asset to have for this position.
  • I explain my working habits in a group setting; I identify my strengths as brainstorming and revision.
  • I share my philosophy towards learning and growth

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! To contact me, please email xxx xxx (15 pronouns).



The application letter includes a summary of my:

  • academic background in English, Visual Arts and Business
  • experience as a digital media technician and writing/communication skills
  • experience working collaboratively and brainstorming skills
  • educational philosophy, working habits and strengths that will contribute to our writing team

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. Contact email: xxx xxx (2 pronouns).



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