Peer Review for Definitions of a Cache

From: Yang Liu 

To: Samantha Lee

Date: Oct. 4th

Subject: Peer Review for Definitions


I appreciate your effort in defining a cache in a technical context. Your cache definitions give me a clear and easy understanding of what a cache is and how it works. Here are some suggestions for your definitions.



The expanded definition is well-organized as a sequence of frequently asked questions. I like how you try to explain every technical term to your audience so that they will not get lost. 

You started your definition by giving a formal definition “a memory storage that technological devices use to …” However, later in the “how does it work” section, you inform your audiences that “A computer’s central processing unit …”. I found it may be inconsistent with your formal definition, and it would be better to use the consistent term and change the “computer’s CPU” to “A technological device’s CPU.” 

Your work is straightforward to understand. You use many simple ideas to overview how cache works between CPU and the main memory, but it seems too easy to understand the entire story of caching. Your audiences may question how the main memory associates with the cache. It would be clear if you pointed out that cache is a copy of parts of data in the main memory, and it would update once the CPU uses/ accesses other parts of data in the main memory more frequently than accessing data in the cache. 

You have used many images to help your audiences understand some concepts or processes related to caching, but avoid giving images without explanations. For example, you can explain more in the scenario shown in figure 2. 


Missing Requirements: 

Your citations should include the in-text citations in APA/MLA format as well. 


I hope my suggestions are helpful for you. Please let me know if there is any question.






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