Peer Review for Definitions of Dysphagia

To: Zoe Maika
From: Helene Tran
Date: October 5, 2021
Subject: Peer Review for Definitions of Dysphagia

Hello Zoe,

I have read your definitions on dysphagia and felt that you were successful in clearly defining a term to an audience that may be unfamiliar with the condition. I have included some of my comments and suggestions below.

First Impressions:

Upon reviewing your definitions of dysphagia, I found that your definitions were clear and concise, and the information delivered was very well organized, which makes for a better experience for the reader.


The content that you provided was informative and easy to understand as the material was presented in a logical manner. Furthermore, the definitions were straightforward and the reasons for dysphagia that you listed helped me to better comprehend the condition. Your expanded definition utilized at least four expansion strategies, and complicated terms or jargon was generally avoided. I also appreciate that you referred to the image provided, which allows the audience to fully understand the mechanism for dysphagia and the particulars of the condition.


I feel that it would be more beneficial to your audience if you were to elaborate on some complex terms such as aspiration, since they are not healthcare professionals and may not be well versed with this terminology. Also, you had mentioned special diets that included “modified textures” in your sentence definition. Although I have a general idea of what you are trying to portray, I did not completely understand what “modified textures” entailed (i.e., pureed food perhaps?).

Final Thoughts:

Overall, I enjoyed reading your definitions for dysphagia and I feel that I have a better understanding of the disorder. You were able to take a complicated topic and make it easy to understand, which is the purpose of this assignment. I hope you found my suggestions to be helpful and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Link to definition

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