Peer Review of Definitions of Real Property

Reviewer: Karissa Garneau

Author: Tamara Oman

Title: Definitions of Real Property – A Peer Review

ENGL 301 Technical Writing

October 5, 2021



Thank you for posting your definitions of Real Property on your UBC blog. The information is presented in an organized, easy to digest format that allows provides a new understanding of this legal term. The meaning of Real Property is clear after the first read.

Initial Impressions:

My initial impression was the organization and clarity of the definitions. There is a lack of introduction to the audience or description of a scenario requiring explanation of Real Property, which was a step to follow for this assignment. Adding a table to classify the sentence definition was a superb use of a visual, but it needs to be properly labeled.


The material is presented in a logical manner. It becomes clear that Real Property is different from Real Estate in that Real Property includes the rights of ownership to the land. The concluding sentence ties it all together by explaining Real Property as the complete package transferred to the property purchaser.


There is no clear audience specified, however, the definitions are presented in such a definite way that it should be understood by anyone who reads it. Although legal terms can be difficult for the general public to understand, there is no use of complicated terms or legal jargon. While reading the definitions an unfamiliar term came up, so an internet search was ran on the word “feudal”. However, the term is described in better detail in the following sentences.

Two very similar sentences came across unclear. “In a Real Property transaction, only the fixtures are included in the sale.” Fixtures are defined as the permanent features of the land like plumbing and lighting, whereas chattels are personal belongings such as appliances. The following sentence explains that in “a Real Estate transaction, only fixtures are included in the sale.” The distinction between the two terms becomes less clear here.

Overall Critique:

  • A relatively complex term within the author’s profession is chosen and defined
  • There is a lack of introduction to the audience and explanation of a situation requiring definition
  • Included are a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition, and an expanded definition
  • The expanded definition utilizes at least four expansion strategies, although there is not a visual included
  • There is no works cited list provided
  • Audience is addressed in a friendly and professional tone
  • Complicated terms and legal jargon are avoided

Final Thoughts:

This was an interesting post to read. While some editing to the definitions is recommended before the final draft is posted, this was a great demonstration of developing writing skills. The information flows logically and allows the reader to understand more about the term as they read on. Thank you for posting these definitions, and if you have any questions, please reach out to me at


Link to definitions on Tamara’s Blog

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