Formal Report Proposal: Effects of Long-Term Sitting

To: Dr. Erika Paterson

From: Phillip Tellier

Date: October 14, 2021

Subject: Proposal for a Report on Reducing the Negative Effects of Sitting for BCS Students

Intended Audience

The primary audience for the report will be UBC students in the Integrated Computer Science program (BCS program) at the University of British Columbia. I plan to work with the computer science student society (CSSS) on my formal report. They can distribute the report to students who are interested in learning more about how sitting for too long can affect them. As such, the secondary audience is partly the executive team of the CSSS. Other possible readers are UBC faculty who would approve the report distribution, and anyone who students might choose to share the report with.


There is both concern and misconception about the effects of regularly sitting for long periods of time in the workplace. Students in the BCS program seem to have a general understanding that being sedentary for too long or often is bad for your health. Unfortunately, they are not certain of the best strategies to negate these issues or the magnitude of the problem.

Statement of Problem

Computer science students are required to sit for long periods of time to complete coursework. Many graduates will reach a career in software development, data analytics, and information technology, where most work is done at a sitting desk. Even in the roles that aren’t directly applicable to computer science which students might fill, sitting is common. Administration, and management jobs are examples. It is well known that a sedentary lifestyle is bad for one’s heath, but not specifically the likelihood of common negative effects. For example, on average how much is lifespan shortened by a sitting job compared to a more active role? What proportion of workers who sit for the majority of their shift will develop chronic back pain? It is important that students be aware of the risks as well as possible solutions so that they have they can be proactive in their response.

Proposed Solution

Knowing more about the detrimental effects of sitting gives BCS students the choice to withdraw and pursue options that are healthier. Knowing a remedy for the effects, they can apply it. Hence, an investigation of health effects and health solutions to sitting should be conducted to aid them. I will research common disorders caused by sitting, the possible lifestyle adjustments, and modifications to office equipment that students can make to protect their health. The findings will be presented in a formal report.


To be thorough, the proposed investigation of how sitting affects students will look into the following:

  1. The opinions of BCS students on how detrimental sitting can be, and what will effectively combat the problem
  2. Health disorders commonly caused by long-term sitting such as back pain and obesity.
  3. Comparing the “standing desk” to a sitting desk. Is it a viable alternative?
  4. The importance of proper sitting posture
  5. Exercise as a way to prevent or undo the negative effects


I will ask BCS students to participate in a survey that collects their opinions. I will create graphics of the statistics I collect for my report. I will also explore peer reviewed research publications to answer the questions on health effects and possible solutions. This will include both primary and secondary sources.

My Qualifications

As a BSc graduate in biochemistry from the University of Victoria, I am well equipped to write a formal report on scientific research. Since biochemistry is related to the health sciences, I will be quick to grasp the ideas presented in literature. As a BCS student who feels well connected to the BCS community. I should have no trouble finding students to complete a survey. I have personally experienced some of the effects of sitting for far too long, and have heard the complaints. Therefore, I am well acquainted with the issue.


There is no doubt that long-term sitting presents some detriment to health, so it’s important that the danger is quantified and anyone at risk is warned. In this way, we can prevent ill health by encouraging students to take action according to the science. Please inform me if I have your approval for this research project at your earliest convenience.

2 comments on “Formal Report Proposal: Effects of Long-Term Sitting
  1. erikapaterson says:

    October 18, 2021
    Hello Phillip,
    Thank you for posting your proposal for a report on the negative impacts of too much sitting. I assume your audience will consist of UBC students – and I am wondering if there is a student association that might be interested in this report – rather than just the general student body. I ask because a formal report should have a specific audience in order to distribute the report. Give this some consideration please and include a section that describes the audience. Thank you.

    • Phillip Tellier says:

      Hi Dr. Paterson,
      I have added an “intended audience” section as requested. Hopefully it makes things clearer. Thank you for the feedback.

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