2:1 Email Memorandum for Formal Research Report Proposal

To:         Dr. Erika Paterson, Professor of ENGL301 99A Technical Writing 2021W
From:    Chor Ki (Kitty) Yan, Student of of ENGL301 99A Technical Writing 2021W
Date:     October 15, 2021
Subject: Formal Report Proposal Posted

As a required assignment for Unit 2.1, my formal report proposal has been posted on the team forum and is also attached at the end of this memo. The referred formal report proposal includes the following:

  • a brief overview of fatigue risk and the possible negative impact(s) for WestJet airport agents working at the Vancouver International Airport
  • a proposed solution to mitigate the risk by starting a fatigue risk management program
  • the areas of inquiry relating to fatigue risk to be addressed within the report
  • the methods to be used to research and investigate this issue and come up with possible solutions
  • a brief summary of my qualifications enabling me to conduct this research report

Please let me know if any further information is required, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Thank you.

Enclosure: 301 Kitty Yan Formal Report Proposal

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