Formal Report Proposal-Comparative Analysis of Vegetable Packaging for Glacier Greens Farms

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Technical Writing Professor

From: Lea Ang Salamanca, English 301 Student

Date: October 15, 2021

Subject: Proposal for Creating a Comparative Analysis Report of Vegetable Packaging Options for Glacier Greens Farms

Background information and information about the reader of the report:

Jessica Fung is a pediatric occupational therapist and the owner of Glacier Greens Farms (GGF). Ms. Fung has been assisting neurodiverse children for seventeen years and noticed that most capable neurodiverse children grew up having difficulties getting and keeping employment as adults. In 2017 Ms. Fung started working on GGF to educate, prepare and employ neurodiverse individuals. GGF is beginning production on December 2021 and plans to sell its products by January 15, 2022. I decided to help Ms. Fung start her farm because I support GGF’s goal of providing work experience for neurodiverse children. As a nutrition student, I am also interested in learning how hydroponic farms operate. Since I have a background in running a food business and have experience making business reports, I volunteered to help Ms. Fung create a marketing analysis report, point of sales software options and vegetable packing options for GGF. To comply with the requirements of this course, I will prepare a written marketing analysis report for GGF and a comparative analysis report to assist Ms. Fung in choosing packaging materials for GGF’s products.


Glacier Greens Farms (GGF) is an urban organic farm established by pediatric occupational therapist Jessica Fung. It plans to start growing vegetables in a forty-foot containerized hydroponic facility in its first location in the Surrey School District on December 15, 2021. It plans to produce 3000 heads of butterhead lettuce, tatsoi and kale, and 120 pounds of arugula, basil, and radish per month. The company plans to sell its products directly to consumers through its website and farm location. As a first-time business owner, Jessica Fung is seeking assistance in creating a marketing analysis report and researching various packaging options for the farm’s products which will be available for purchase by January 15, 2022. For more information about the company, please visit the farm’s website at

Statement of Problem

Product protection and promoting the business brand are two main functions of product packaging. Fresh produce packaging plays an essential role in preventing food wastage by protecting the product from contaminants. Now, farm retail businesses also use product packaging to build brand recognition and attract loyal customers. The suitable packaging will help customers distinguish GGF products from other farm producers in the competitive fresh vegetable market. With these essential functions of product packaging, Jessica Fung, GGF’s owner, needs a comparative report about vegetable packaging products available in the market, which will assist her in choosing the right packaging for her farm’s needs.

Proposed Solutions

Creating a marketing analysis report that includes a survey of potential customers and researching current vegetable prices in the neighbourhood within the school district of the first location will provide important information that will be used in making pricing decisions and choosing the right vegetable products to produce during its first month of business. A comparative analysis report that includes a table of various packaging company’s contact information, cost of initial product packaging investment, and visual appeal will assist Ms. Fung in choosing the right packaging for GGF’s products. To begin the comparative analysis report, Ms. Fung suggests starting with three packaging companies: Evocative Design, Better Farm Company, and U-line.


To make a comparative analysis report of vegetable packaging options for GGF, I plan to ask the following questions:

  1. How much are the current prices of the vegetables that GGF is planning to produce at neighbouring supermarkets?
  2. What are the opinions of the GGF’s potential customers about hydroponic farming, and are they willing to pay a higher price for hydroponic vegetables?
  3. What are the market trends and market potential of hydroponic farming?
  4. What are the costs of the packaging? What is the minimum amount of packaging that the manufacturer requires? What is the cost of packaging per unit?
  5. Is the packaging biodegradable or recyclable?
  6. Does the produce packaging boost the brand or have sales appeal? If not, researching the costs of producing brand stickers to put on the packaging material will be provided in this report.


My primary data sources will include conducting a marketing survey of GGF’s potential customers that will assist in determining the right product mix and product pricing of GGF’s products. The survey results will become the source of the visuals in the report. I will contact through email or phone various vegetable product packaging companies in The Lower Mainland.

Secondary sources will include looking at hydroponic industry trends and outlook from industry reports and publications.

My Qualifications

I have worked as a food business owner in Canada for eight years. As a previous small business owner, I have experience conducting a marketing analysis report and researching packaging materials for various food products. I am confident that I will be able to recommend pricing, product manufacturing suggestions and effective packaging options for GGF. I can prepare a comprehensive formal report that will help GGF during its initial business phase and assist GGF in planning for its future packaging needs as the company grows and explores new markets.


Green Glaciers Farms opens in three months. Jessica Fung, GGF’s owner, is currently overwhelmed with work in various aspects of the business, such as finalizing leasing agreements and attending farm operations orientations. The marketing analysis and comparative analysis report of vegetable packaging options for Glacier Greens Farms will make it easier for the owner to decide about GGF’s produce packaging needs urgently. With your approval, I will begin research at once.

One comment on “Formal Report Proposal-Comparative Analysis of Vegetable Packaging for Glacier Greens Farms
  1. erikapaterson says:

    October 18, 2021

    Hello Lea,
    Thank you for posting your proposal, this looks like a good idea, but it is a little too slim for a 12 – 15 page report. I think you should consider including a survey of potential customers so you can include some market analysis in the report. Please consider this and let me know via email when you have made some adjustments.
    Thank you.

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