


To:                   Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor
From:              Daniel Tsui, ENGL 301 Student
Date:               October 15, 2021
Subject:          Submitted proposal for reducing carbon emissions by incentivizing the use of electric vehicles on UBC Vancouver Campus


Dear Dr. Paterson,


Please find the attached proposal document below in this post. Additionally, I have posted the proposal on my team forum.


Here are some key points in the proposal:

  • Students and faculty staff that live far away from campus rely on alternate transportation methods
  • Public transportation is not easily accessible for those who live far away
  • Incentivizing the use of electric vehicles to encourage green transportation
  • Surveying actual users of parkade to better understand the scope of the issue
  • Almost 20kg of CO2 is released per car, per month on an average basis


Please feel free to email me should you have any questions or concerns.


Attachment: 301 Daniel Tsui Research Proposal


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