2.1 Proposal Memorandum


To: Dr. Patterson, Professor of Engl 301

From: Adrianna Mroz, student of Engl 301

Date: Oct 15th, 2021

Subject:  Proposal for Determining Safe Disposal and Decreasing Barriers to the Recycling of E-waste in the City of Yellowknife


Hello Professor,

As requested here is my research proposal for a formal report attached at the bottom.

The proposal is geared towards researching and presenting a convincing report to the city of Yellowknife to introduce or amend current measures of electronic waste disposal.  The proposal includes an overview of the topic of electronic waste as well as an outline of possible solutions.  My main means of collecting data are through unsolicited inquiries and informal interviews with local organizations and facilities in order to broader the full scope of the issue.


Thank you for taking the time to review my application,



Adrianna Mroz


Mroz, 301 Formal Report Proposal


One comment on “2.1 Proposal Memorandum
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Adrianna,

    Please post your Proposal directly onto a page in your Team Forum, thank you.

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