Assignment 2.1: Formal Research Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor of ENGL 301 Technical Writing of UBC

From: Morgan Lorenz, ENGL 301 Technical Writing Student at UBC

Date: October 16, 2021
Subject: ENGL 301 – Research Proposal for a Formal Report

Intended Audience: University of British Columbia students looking to increase their physical activity opportunities within their current academic schedules

I hope this message finds you safe and in good health! Please find my research proposal for a formal report on increasing physical activity and lowering sedentary behaviour in university students attached below to this message. This document has been posted to my writing team forum for viewing.

In summary, the attached research proposal includes the following:

  • A problem statement with background information of the problem
  • A proposed solution for the problem
  • Scope of the proposed study
  • Method of research and primary and secondary sources
  • My qualifications required to fulfill the plans mentioned in my proposal

Please do not hesitate to reach out if there is anything missing from this message. Much appreciated and I look forward to hearing from you!


Morgan Lorenz

Formal report proposal: Assignment2.3MLorenzProposal

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