2:2 Memo for Ten Best Practices for Professional Networking on LinkedIn

To:         The Empirical Pen, Writing Team in ENGL301 99A Technical Writing 2021W
From:    Kitty Yan, Member of The Empirical Pen Writing Team in ENGL301 99A
Date:     October 22, 2021
Subject: Ten Best Practices for Professional Networking on LinkedIn

Dear fellow members of The Empirical Pen writing team,

LinkedIn, an online resource that is the largest professional network on the internet, can help to connect with employment opportunities and share professional but unique stories of your experience, skills, and education. Please see a list of ten best practices to use LinkedIn for professional networking compiled below that may be helpful, with the references listed at the end:

  1. Take the time to complete your profile in a way that is comprehensive but also engaging as this is a presentation of you to other professionals like your resume
  2. Choose a profile picture that is the best representation of you in a professional setting as this is the first impression others will see
  3. Choose the “right” keywords – depict skills that highlight your key strengths and accomplishments
  4. Do not overuse buzzwords like ‘specialized’, ‘passionate’, ‘experienced’
  5. Tailor your profile to be aligned with the future career you want to be in
  6. Connect with people you have interacted with as this will increase chances to connect with other like-minded professionals and to other opportunities that may not come otherwise
  7. Be interactive – start conversations beyond your own network and keep up to date with your connections
  8. Write posts on subjects that align with your personal views which can increase the amount of views to your profile
  9. Take advantage of LinkedIn Learning which can help to develop new skills
  10. Take the time to request recommendations which can be a weighed reference and have a positive reflection on you and current or past employers

May these ten best practices I compiled be helpful, and may LinkedIn be a useful resource for professional networking! If there are any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you.

Works Cited

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